For show thinking and evasiveness:
When faced with a tricky question or if they are uncomfortable with the situation or something arising people often look away, look with their eyes looking upwards and sideways as if to think.YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOOK SIDEWAYS OR UPWARDS TO THINK, IT IS ALL FOR SHOW AND BECAUSE IT IS MEANINGLESS, PERHAPS COPIED FROM OTHERS, IT IS CONTROLLED INSANITY THAT WILL END IN INSANITY. SOMETIMES IT INDICATES EVASIVENESS, THE PERSON IS TRYING TO AVOID THE SITUATION.ONLY EMOTIONAL PEOPLE CAN FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AS TO LOOK AWAY, NO MAN OF TRUTH SEES THROUGH THE CORNER OF HIS EYES WHICH IS NOT A SHORTCUT OR LAZINESS BUT REFLECTS DISHONESTY. PEOPLE LOOK THROUGH THE CORNER OF THEIR EYES BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT OTHERS TO KNOW THEY ARE SEEING OR INTERESTED.Rod Stewart to be a father again at 65:Singer Rod Stewart is to become a father for the eighth time at the age of 65, it has been announced.There is truth nothing newsworthy about the item but it is a case of stirred emotion driving the person to speak with the intention of stirring emotion or force in others.There is a way or style in what is said that tells those who are discerning that this is not a message of substance but purely stirred emotion or force driving someone to say something intended to similarly stir emotion or force with karma or suffering due in the future.The reference to Rod Stewart’s age is a giveaway that the person is thrilled that at such ‘a grand old age’, ‘wow’ Rod Stewart is becoming a father and ‘hey you should know and also get thrilled’.If it is a purely substance message it would be Rod Steward to be father again. What has age got to do with it? So what he is 65 or even 100 years old? Truly incredible, the antics of MACC’s bungling goons:Seldom are the things people speak of as being incredible truly incredible but occasionally there are things that can be said to be incredible.For those with true understanding, the notion that Teoh Beng Huat committed suicide by jumping off the MACC’s office is incredible but it can only be foul play and it is bizarre that those responsible are not brought to account but instead the charade of a royal commission is undertaken.Now a suicide note surfaces tendered by officials months later when if it was genuine, would have exonerated MACC officers involved and so it would be the MACC who should have eagerly tendered the note at beginning of the case.Why the delay?Perhaps those involved knew it would be a hard sell and in desperation and highly perverted logic they now deem it plausible to be accepted by the public.IF YOU FORCE YOURSELF ENOUGH AND DO NOT HAVE TRUE UNDERSTANDING THEN YOU CAN BE MADE TO BELIEVE AS TRUE ANYTHING THAT IS EVEN VERY BIZARRE. TO THOSE WITH TRUE UNDERSTANDING, THERE ARE THINGS THAT HIS TRUE UNDERSTANDING TELLS HIM IS INCREDIBLE, CANNOT BE BELIEVED OR ACCEPTED AS TRUE OR PLAUSIBLE.Why Teoh Ben Huat’s case indefensible:Teoh Beng Huat’s crime is about an allegation of corruption involving just a few thousand dollars. The onus is on the MACC to collect evidence to incriminate him, what has interrogation, let alone interrogation into the wee hours of the morning got to do with it? Do you want to coerce evidence from him and would such evidence be valid or fair?It is absurd that the MACC should detain him and interrogate him right into the early hours of the morning over an alleged few thousand dollars corruption. If this was the precedent then what would be the interrogation methods for the those involved in the millions allegedly stolen in the French submarine deal. Ling Liong Sik would be a very worried man because he is implicated in corruption involving millions if what Teoh was subjected to is a precedent.TEOH BENG HUAT'S CASE REFLECTS THE CRASS HYPOCRISY IN THIS COUNTRY.U.S. Trade Deficit Widens to $49.9B in June
If the US was another country, these chronic deficits would have depleted its USD reserves and it would not be able to buy foreign goods without someone extending credit. But with the US, it just keeps printing more USD to enable it to buy more and China is still (foolishly) soaking up this potentially worthless paper money the US is dishing out. China may find out one day that it has been working for free for the US.Gap Jumps 18.8%, Surprising Economists Who Expected Imbalance to Narrow
(AP) The U.S. trade deficit surged in June to the highest level since October 2008 and imports of foreign consumer goods hit an all-time high. But U.S. exports faltered, representing a setback for American manufacturers.
The deficit jumped 18.8 percent in June compared to May, widening to $49.9 billion, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. U.S. exports slipped 1.3 percent to $150.5 billion. Imports of consumer goods surged to a record high as shipments of cell phones, household appliances, televisions and clothing all increased. "The slowing in exports will only fan fears of a faltering U.S. recovery," Guatieri said in a research note. Through the first six months of this year, the deficit is running at an annual rate of $494.9 billion. That is up 32 percent from the $374.9 billion deficit for all of 2009 - a year when the deficit was cut nearly in half as a result of the recession. For June, the U.S. trade deficit with China rose 17.4 percent to $26.2 billion. Through the first six months of this year it is running 15.9 percent higher than the same period a year ago. That is certain to increase pressure on Congress to pass legislation that would impose stiff economic sanctions on China unless it moves more quickly to allow its currency to rise in value.
The deficit with the European Union increased by 25.9 percent to $7.8 billion in June while the deficit with Japan narrowed by 3.5 percent to $5 billion. The deficit with Canada, America's biggest trading partner, increased 14.4 percent to $2.6 billion in June. America's foreign oil bill edged down 3.3 percent to $26.7 billion in June as the average price for a barrel of imported crude oil dropped to $72.44, down from $76.93 in May. Oil imports will likely head higher in coming months given the fact that the average price for crude oil is now hovering around $80 per barrel. The deficit with the European Union increased by 25.9 percent to $7.8 billion in June while the deficit with Japan narrowed by 3.5 percent to $5 billion. The deficit with Canada, America's biggest trading partner, increased 14.4 percent to $2.6 billion in June.
I no longer resist:It was a hot sunny glaring day with a stiff breeze blowing as I walked down an alley but I am no longer resisting, I do not screw up my face to resist and express distress like emotional people do.No matter how terrible conditions are, it is totally useless to resist, to screw up your face and stir mental force to resist the unpleasant conditions. By resisting, you are exposing your mind to self generated force that leads to stress, restlessness and distraction and that is more suffering. Even if they wanted ordinary people cannot help it, it is involuntary, so well conditioned are they to resist when challenged.WITH MY MIND NOWADAYS FREQUENTLY AND EASILY ATTAINING A CERTAIN IMPERTURBILITY, I NOW DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY STIR MENTAL FORCE, SCREW UP MY FACE OR WINCE WHEN FACED WITH UNPLEASANTNESS BE IT THE SMELL OF SHIT, AN UGLY SCENE OR A BODILY PAIN.The Fed will continue to print money:Quote: the central bank will continue to essentially print money to buy securities and maintain its $2 trillion balance sheet to curb an even harsher reversal.What is described above is in line with my hypothesis of what has gone wrong disastrously.As I said, a single million deposited in the bank can spawn many millions of debts and many millions in wealth which are actually not true, will only come true when all the borrowers successfully repay their debts which may be many years down the line. Before they successfully repaid, it is a supposition or virtual reality that the system is many millions rich when there is only one million there.Now what has happened is that many of the millions borrowed by debtors have defaulted and there is only 1 million in the system but many claimed owner of that million and there is a risk of default and so the Fed has to step in to print money that is worthless to give to those who supposedly owned millions when there was only 1 million in the system.ALL ALONG THERE WAS AN ILLUSION OF MANY MILLIONS IN WEALTH IN THE SYSTEM WHEN THERE WAS ONLY ONE MILLION THROUGH A PROCESS OF RECYCLING (LENT -> COLLECTED AND RE-DEPOSITED INTO BANKS) BACKING MANY MILLIONS IN DEBT AND NOW THAT THE SCHEME OR SCAM HAS UNRAVELLED, THE FED HAS TO PRINT MONEY TO MAKE REAL THE MILLIONS THAT WERE ACTUALLY NEVER IN THE SYSTEM AND WILL ONLY BE WHEN BORROWERS SUCCESSFULLY REPAID THOSE MILLIONS MANY YEARS LATER.We are afraid it will get worse:Quote: "We are only in the middle of the monsoon season, there is more rain expected. We are afraid it (Pakistan’s flood) will get worse."To be afraid is the force based understanding and driven response to a situation, “We think it will get worse” is the calm reason based response.All the fear in the world will not help but by being roiled by fear, you cannot think clearly and may miss the correct actions to be taken rapidly to counter the situation.CALMLY ANTICIPATING THAT IT WILL GET WORSE, ONE CALMLY ASSESSES THE SITUATION AND THE POSSIBLE ACTIONS TO TAKE, WHAT IS THERE TO FEAR? NOT ONLY IS FEAR USELESS, IT IS HARMFUL BECAUSE IT STIRS THE MIND SO THAT IT MAY MISS RELEVANT OPTIONS.HERE AS ELSEWHERE, PEOPLE’S UNDERSTANDING IS BASED ON FORCE NOT SEEING, THEY UNDERSTAND FALSELY THAT THE SITUATION IS FEARFUL WHEN THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL AND REQUIRES RAPID CORRECT ACTIONS.Fancy harvesting roo poo?This questioning is insincere and meaningless, sourced from stirred mental force not reason and is intended to stir others’ mental force not convey meaning or substance.If you do not know its nature or see nothing wrong or see it as meaningful then you do not understand or understand falsely.This question is insincere because it is unlikely anyone fancies or likes harvesting kangaroo faeces and so it is intended mischievously, never sincerely.Further it is meaningless because he is asking you to stir your mental force or fancy harvesting roo poo. What is meaningful is whether there is a need to harvest roo poo, not whether you fancy or like or dislike it.THUS IT IS BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE ASKING OTHERS IF THEY FANCY OR THEIR MENTAL FORCES ARE STIRRED ATTRACTIVELY ABOUT HARVESTING ROO POO WHEN THE MATTER SHOULD BE IF THERE IS ANY NEED TO DO SO. FURTHER HE IS INSINCERE BECAUSE HE KNOWS NOBODY FANCIES IT. THE QUESTION COMES FROM A GENRE (FANCY XXX? WHERE XXX IS SOMETHING PEOPLE USUALLY DO NOT FANCY STUDYING) THAT IS COPIED FROM OTHERS, REMEMBERED AND REHASHED FROM MEMORY. THE QUESTION IS DRIVEN BY FORCE (EMOTION) WITH THE PURPOSE OF STIRRING FORCE (EMOTION) IN OTHERS.Everything that is exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God:If I were to say that everything that is exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God then many even Christians would take issue reflecting their non understanding and being on the side of men.When Jesus said, ‘What is exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God’ then for a person who understands truly, it means unequivocally the EVERYTHING that is exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God and looking around with discernment he understands or find evidence this is the case.Jesus did not specify or spoke of exclusions and so if there are things or qualities exalted by men that are not abominations in the sight of God Jesus is wrong or false to say what he said. It is because everything exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God that if you have aspirations for heaven and eternal life, you must as Jesus commanded, deny yourself whatever is exalted by men (smiling, being nice, trying to impress and please, being stylish and emotion and much more).IT IS A REFLECTION OF MANKIND FALSE OR NO UNDERSTANDING THAT THEY FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THAT JESUS MEANT THAT EVERYTHING THAT IS EXALTED BY MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. DELUSION IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL BEINGS TRAPPED HERE ACCORDING TO THE BUDDHA, IF YOU WERE NOT DELUDED YOU WOULD BE HEAVEN AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE DELUDED TO SHARE EXALTATIONS OF THOSE IN THE PURE REALMS.Agitated, sad and resisting:
This is a common picture and it depicts a man under pressure or stress. He is looking a bit grim because he is under pressure; there is worry or agitated stirring of his mental force with a tinge of sadness and he is biting his lips reflecting stirred force to control the suffering caused by his stirred mental force. He is not present but his eyes say he is in a daze, in a private world of thoughts.ALL THESE ARE NOT ONLY SUFFERING BUT ADDICTIVE AND CONDITIONING SUCH THAT IT IS LIKE A NOOSE THAT KEEPS TIGHTENING AROUND THE NECK AND UNLESS THE PERSON STRIVES TO EXTRICATE HIMSELF FROM THE BLACKHOLE OF EMOTIONAL SUFFERING HE IS DOOMED TO BE SUCKED INTO THAT BLACKHOLE TO ANOTHER ETERNITY OF SUFFERING WEEPING TEARS THE BUDDHA SAID IS AS VAST AS AN OCEAN. JESUS SAID YOU WILL WEEP AND GNASH YOUR TEETH IN ETERNAL PUNISHMENT IF YOU CANNOT GO TO HEAVEN.Always stirring force in self and others:Whether they intend or do not intend, are aware of unaware, whatever emotional stylish people say or do has accompanying additional totally unnecessary force changes in force prolonging, changing (accelerating, decelerating) speed and strength that stirs force or emotions in all recipients and exert similar force changes on his own mind.Force has only one use and it is to seize an object to do work, any other use of force is meaningless and therefore practicing controlled insanity.Because it is totally unnecessary to prolong, change speed and strength when speaking or doing something, it is only necessary for show to impress, please, intimidate, dominate and deceive, the person is practicing controlled insanity for show that will end invariably as uncontrollable insanity.Because force exposure causes cumulative stress, restlessness and inability to concentrate, anyone who exposes his mind unnecessarily to force is a fool and he has debts to be experienced as future suffering for persecuting others by plying them with force prolonging, changing speed and strength in what he says or does.Because the consistent brand of substance and style (or force changes) cannot be composed live but must be based on memory, the person must commit himself to being a robot in which he is not responsible for his speech and actions but a mental parrot or jukebox which can fail, rebel or activate without permission by itself is the boss and he is doomed to robot failure with mad inappropriate rehashed speech and actions.ALWAYS, WHETHER INTENDED OR NOT, AWARE OR NOT, BECAUSE THERE ARE FORCE CHANGES (PROLONGING, CHANGING SPEED AND STRENGTH) IN WHATEVER THEY SAY OR DO, THE PERSON INTENTIONALLY OR UNINTENTIONALLY, AWARE OR UNAWARE WANT TO STIR FORCE IN OTHERS. IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW SOFT OR LOUD, SLOW OR FAST THEY SPEAK, WHETHER THE SUBJECT IS MINDANE OR INTELLECTUAL, ALWAYS THERE ARE FORCE PROLONGING, CHANGING SPEED AND STRENGTH THAT HAS THE EFFECT OF STIRRING FORCE IN OTHERS THAT IS EVIL AND SIN APART FROM SELF AND OTHER SUFFERING.YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPECIFICALLY EXAMINE THE SUBSTANCE OF WHAT PEOPLE SAY OR DO TO DETERMINE IF THEY WANT TO STIR FORCE OR EMOTION IN OTHERS. BECAUSE OBJECTIVELY THERE IS ALWAYS DISCERNIBLE TOTALLY UNNECESSARY FORCE PROLONGING, CHANGING SPEED AND STRENGTH IN THEIR SPEECH AND MOTION, THEY ALWAYS WANT TO STIR FORCE OR EMOTION IN OTHERS, THEY ARE ALWAYS SINNING NO MATTER WHAT GOOD THEY MAY TRY TO DO.Only the Buddha has taught you this:The Buddha said kingship over men is meagre compared with heavenly bliss, therefore whatever pleasure you may derive here cannot compare with heavenly bliss. Thus if there is not only a way to go to heaven but even 60,000 eternities or Ages of heavenly bliss (which cannot compare with enlightenment) is possible then whoever points it out to you and teaches you how to get it is the highest.IF YOU CAN EFFORTLESSLY ATTAIN SERENITY OF MIND AND BODY (AND THAT MEANS NO USE OF FORCE TO PROLONG, CHANGE SPEED AND STRENGTH) THEN ONE ETERNITY AS AN ANGEL AWAITS YOU.IF YOU CAN EFFORTLESSLY ATTAIN THE FULLY CONSCIOUS CESSATION OF ALL THINKING THEN THAT IS TWO ETERNITIES OR AGES AWAITING YOU.IF YOU CAN EFFORTLESSLY ATTAIN NEITHER STIRRING YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO LIKE (ATTRACTED) OR DISLIKE (REPULSED, HATE, ANGER), THEN THAT IS FOUR ETERNITIES IN HEAVEN.IF YOU CAN EFFORTLESSLY ATTAIN THE CONSCIOUS STATE OF EXPERIENCING NEITHER PAIN NOR PLEASURE (BOTH PRODUCTS OF FORCE), THEN THAT IS 500 ETERNITIES IN HEAVEN.IF YOU CAN FURTHER DISREGARD ALL CONSIDERATIONS OF FORM TO ACCESS THE REALM OF THE INFINITUDE OF SPACE, THEN THAT IS 20,000 ETERNITIES IN HEAVEN.IF YOU CAN FURTHER DISREGARD ALL CONSIDERATIONS OF SPACE TO ACCESS THE REALM OF THE INFINITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THEN THAT IS 40,000 ETERNITIES IN HEAVEN.IF YOU CAN FURTHER DISREGARD ALL CONSIDERATIONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO ACCESS THE REALM OF ‘NOT A THINGNESS’, THEN THAT IS 60,000 ETERNITIES IN HEAVEN.AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR FIXED LIFESPAN THERE, THEN DEPENDING ON WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, IF YOU WISH TO EXIST FURTHER YOU MAY EVEN GO DOWN TO HELL WHILST THOSE WHO LISTEN TO THE BUDDHA EXTINGUISH TO NIRVANA IN HEAVENLY BLISS.WHAT THE BUDDHA SAID MAY NOT BE TRUE BUT IF IT IS AS HE SAID THEN HE IS THE HIGHEST TEACHER AS FAR AS YOU ARE CONCERNED.Surging German Growth:The German economy grew by 2.2% in the three months to the end of June, its fastest quarterly growth in more than 20 years, official figures show."Such quarter-on-quarter growth has never been recorded before in reunified Germany," the national statistics office, Destatis, said.I can detect stirred emotion and excited, the person is moved to say that such record growth has never occurred before.Stirred emotion is like alcohol that inebriates and clouds judgement.Yes it was record growth but after a severe collapse, not on a baseline of steady growth and so do not celebrate too fast.AFTER A SHARP PREVIOUS DECLINE SUCH RECORD RECOVERY REFLECTS A REBOUND THAT MAY LOSE STEAM. IF IT IS EXPORT TO US WITHPAYMENT IN USD THAT MAY BE WORTHLESS IN THE FUTURE THEN IT IS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.Germany & China:Germany is like China or Japan, they are the savers who collect money by producing for the world for pieces of paper usually denominated in USD.If the US and for that matter EU are bankrupt or insolvent then those pieces of paper collected may be potentially worthless but it will not be apparent immediately but only much later when it has turned from treatable cancer to terminal cancer.SO LONG AS THE PIECES OF PAPER GERMANY AND CHINA COLLECT FROM THE US IS LEGAL TENDER, ACCEPTED SO THAT CHINA AND GERMANY CAN USE IT TO PURCHASE OIL AND RAW MATERIALS FOR THEIR INDUSTRIES, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE EVEN THOUGH THE COUNTRY ISSUING THE PAPER, THE US MAY BE BANKRUPT OR CANNOT MAKE ENDS MEET OR WILL BE UNABLE TO FULFILL ITS DEBT OBLIGATIONS. IT IS ONLY WHEN THE PAPER IS NO LONGER ACCEPTED AS LEGAL TENDER THAT PANIC AND TROUBLE ENSUES AND SO IT IS NOW GERMANY AND CHINA CAN STAGE ‘DRAMATIC’ RECOVERIES BY COLLECTING PIECES OF PAPER THE US FECKLESSLY PRINTS AND USING THE PIECES OF PAPER TO BUY OIL AND MATERIALS THEY NEED TO PRODUCE. ONLY MUCH LATER WHEN THE US IS FOUND OUT, WILL CHINA AND GERMANY REALIZE THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR FREE.Financial & economic charades can be maintained for a long time:Like in poker when you can call the bluff, financial and economic charades can be maintained for a very long, delayed and postpone until it becomes disastrously cancerous.Thus by keep lowering interest and taxes, stimulating you can delay the reckoning with debt.Supposed if Malaysia is insolvent, if it keep printing money to spend, it can cheat domestically and even internationally and it is only much later that the truth is discovered.In the same way, even though the US is insolvent and it is printing money that it cannot back up to fuel its consumption, so long as Germany & China keep receiving USD and they can use that money to buy oil and raw materials, the semblance of economic robustness is maintained even when the USD may be worthless because the US cannot back the money it prints with assets.If the US is made to earn its money:The US is the world’s biggest economy and so what it does is of major bearing to the world’s economy.If it is cheating then that cheating has major not minor effects on the world economy.If the US had to earn the USD that it uses to pay for its foreign goods (like all other countries must do) then it would be unable to afford to buy like it is now doing, even significantly less.THUS WITHOUT THE US BEING ABLE TO PRINT RATHER THAN EARN THE USD THAT IT USES TO BUY GOODS, ITS ECONOMY WILL BE MUCH LESS THAT IT IS TODAY OR THE DOWNTURN FAR WORSE.WITHOUT THE US PRINTING USD, THE DEMAND FOR WORLD GOODS WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY LESS AND THE DOWNTURN IN THE WORLD WILL ALSO BE SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE THAN IT IS.SO THE WELL BEING TODAY IS AN ILLUSION, TAKE AWAY THE US PRINTING MONEY OR MADE TO EARN MONEY TO PAY, THE US AND WORLD ECONOMIES WILL BE IN EVEN WORSE STATES.Shahrizat: Execute themMinister of Women’s Affairs Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said. That the buang bayi people whose actions result in the death of babies should be given the death penalty.No person who is not deluded and truly understand will say that because it is heaping unnecessary future suffering in terms of karma on oneself.If she wants to execute or kill them go ahead and do it yourself (even this has karma not merit) but if you ask others to kill then you are asking for even worse karma encouraging others to kill. Is she aware of the deadly karma that will result in serious suffering for herself as a result of what she said? No, she sees nothing wrong even good in what she said. Thus she is deluded and that is not the way to heaven.There are laws regarding such cases and you should not take the law into your own hand and demand mob justice. As a minister you should speak responsibly and your karma is heavier because of your position.JUST AS SHE SEES NOTHING WRONG EVEN MERIT IN WHAT SHE SAID, MANY IN THIS WORLD ARE DELUDED THAT THEY ARE GOOD AND DOING GOOD WHEN THEY ARE BAD AND DOING BAD WITH SUFFERING AS VAST AS AN OCEAN DUE THEM IN THE ETERNITY AHEAD.Death by irresponsibility is not murder:Abandoning a baby even if it results in the death of the baby is never murder. There is such a thing called murder and it can be clearly defined as such and such and if you speak of murder without clearly understanding what it means then you are a fool who does not understand what you are saying and if you say something without understanding you are courting insanity and will get it.And what is murder? It is simply taking the life of another. If the baby was killed or caused to die by some means by the woman then it is murder, if it was abandoned without being killed or fatally harmed then should it subsequently die, that is not murder but causing death by negligence or irresponsibility with karma due.WHY ARE YOU SO EAGER TO JUDGE OTHERS WHEN YOU YOURSELF ARE FAR FROM BLAMELESS? LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR FIRST BEFORE CALLING FOR OTHERS’ BLOOD.IT IS THEIR EMOTIONALITY THAT DRIVES THEM TO PERCEIVE A DEATH THAT UPSETS THEM TO BE MURDER IN ORDER TO ATTACK THOSE RESPONSIBLE NOT REALIZING THEIR OWN EMOTIONALITY AND URGE TO ATTACK ARE THEMSELVES EVIL AND WILL END IN TORMENT FOR THEMSELVES.Why the long face?You see people having a long or sour face that expresses or reflects their displeasure or anger or unhappiness at others or what has happened.Whether you like it or not, it is voluntary (to show displeasure) or involuntary (you cannot help it, you are upset) that sour face is maintained for a considerable time and sometimes the fool deliberately prolongs or maintains it because he thinks he is justified or to make others suffer.THAT SOUR FACE OF YOURS IS A PLAN THAT IS ACTUALLY REHASHED FROM MEMORY LIKE THE MANY TIMES IN THE PAST YOU WERE SOUR FACED AND WHENEVER YOU PROLONG YOUR SOUR FACED OR FOUL MOOD, YOU ARE USING FORCE TO PROLONG THAT MOOD OR FACE THAT IS THE PATH TO SADNESS. LIKE A MONKEY TRAINED TO CLIMB A TREE, EVERY TIME YOU SPORT AND MAINTAIN A SOUR FACE YOU ARE CONDITIONING YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO PROLONG THAT WILL END IN MALIGNANT SADNESS.SO THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE INCLINED TO DISPLAY YOUR DISPLEASURE REMIND YOURSELF YOU ARE PUTTING A NOOSE OF DEPRESSION ON YOUR NECK THAT WILL END IN FUTURE TORMENT.NO ONE WITH A LONG OR SOUR FACE IS A SAINT BUT HE IS ALWAYS A SINNER AND WHAT HE IS EXPRESSING IS ILL WILL ONE OF FIVE LOWER FETTERS TO A RETURN HERE, MANY TIMES AS ANIMALS BEFORE YOU BECOME A MAN AGAIN.What is a mood?Moods are an affliction of people who are emotional and stylish who lead pretentious or false for show lives.Unemotional people of true understanding have no moods.Moods are never harmless but suffering and warning of future doom.A mood is simply an extended or prolonged emotional state of the mind in which the person cannot help, he is trapped in that mood and struggles to shake it off often with the help of event happening eg someone calls and invites him out and the outing shakes off his depressive or lonely or fearful mood.Thus the mood may be ebullient (his mental force stirred attractively), sad, hurt, confused, angry or fearful.MOODS ARE LARGELY INVOLUNTARY, THE PERSON IS A PRISON OF HIS MOOD THAT HE SHAKES OFF OFTEN WITH THE HELP OF THINGS HAPPENING EG LISTEN TO SOME MUSIC, GO SWEEP THE FLOOR OR GARDENING.IF YOU HAVE MOODS YOU ARE A MAN OF FORCE OR EMOTION NOT A MAN OF TRUE REASON OR SUBSTANCE AND MOODS ARE SUFFERING AND WARNING OF FUTURE SUFFERING.Mood means under the spell of force:When you have a mood it means your mind is under the spell of force, your mind is a captive of force and you are a slave of force not master of yourself.ALWAYS EMOTIONAL STYLISH PEOPLE ARE SLAVES OF FORCE BUT LIKE THE SPIDER PERMITTING THE TRAPPED FLY TO STRUGGLE ALONE WITHOUT MOVING IN FOR THE KILL, FORCE ALLOWS THEM SOME FREEDOM SUCH THAT THEY ARE DUPED THEY ARE MASTERS OF THEMSELVES AND EMOTION BUT LIKE THE DEVIL PULLING STRINGS IN THE BACKGROUND, EVERY NOW AND THEN FORCE COMES TO THE FOREFRONT, SEIZES THE MIND TO CAGE IT IN MOODS THAT CAN DRIVE THE PERSON BONKERS TO COMMIT HOMICIDE OR SUICIDE.IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A MOOD AND YOU DO NOT KNOW THEN YOU ARE A FOOL WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS EXPERIENCING. IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE HAVING A MOOD AND YOU SEE NOTHING WRONG YOU HAVE WRONG UNDERSTANDING BECAUSE MOODS MEANS YOU ARE A PRISONER WAITING FOR YOUR TURN TO ENTER THE EXECUTION CHAMBER AND NO ONE NO MATTER HOW TOUGH REJOICES IN THE EXECUTION CHAMBER I TELL YOU.My heart belongs to Arsenal:Just because Wenger signed a deal that may effectually end his managerial career at Arsenal does mean his heart belongs to Arsenal even if he is fond of Arsenal.It is practicing false logic that is deadly, will end in mad logic to jump to the conclusion ‘my heart belongs to Arsenal’ just because Wenger signed a deal to manage Arsenal. And you have karma to be experienced as suffering for encouraging others to share your false logic.Ban shocked by Pakistan flooding:Your perception of that statement is likely if not certainly false that it is true and correct when it is false or meaningless and has the purpose to harmfully stir force or emotion that is harmful in readers.The substance of the matter is “Extent of Pakistan flooding far exceeded his expectations”, where is the shock? Once Ban’s (UN secretary) mental force is stirred violently to be shocked, it takes a while to settle and it inebriates him so that he cannot make rational decisions.OFTEN SUCH STRONG STATEMENTS ARE FALSE, EVERY COUNTRY HE GOES TO WITH A DISASTER HE IS SHOCKED TO EXPRESS EMPATHY BUT YOU PERCEIVE FALSELY IF YOU THINK ‘BAN SHOCKED’ IS UNDERSTANDABLE BECAUSE IT IS A MEANINGLESS TRANSMISSION OF FORCE, THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS ‘FLOODING FAR EXCEEDED BAN’S EXPECTATIONS’. THIS IS A MEANINGFUL EMOTION OR FORCE FREE TRANSMISSION OF THE SUBSTANCE OF THE MATTER.No one has reason to be in this world:If you perceive there is meaning or purpose to be in this world you are deluded because no one has reason to exist in this world.If you truly want to exist, there is a far superior suffering, disease and death free world in heaven and so it is as the Buddha said that it is only greed (anyone who rushes or is eager is greedy not just then but always he is greedy for gains), ill will (hate and anger) and delusions (falsity & meaninglessness he perceives as true or meaningful) that detain beings here. And the Devil does want anyone to leave, he will pursue everyone including the Buddha to detain them here. The Devil detain foolish beings with baits in sensory pleasures, deception or trickery that foolish beings here fall for ‘lock stock and barrel’ and provoking them to stir mental forces that bind them here.This is a meaningless world, what the Buddha said is absolute and holds true for everyone, “To one who sees, there is nothing”. You see something, plenty in this world, but to one who sees truly it is empty, meaningless.YOU CAN HAVE REASONS THAT WHEN EXAMINED ARE FALSE TO BE IN THIS WORLD, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE REASONS THAT ARE TRUE TO BE IN THIS WORLD.All for show:
This is a ceremony to commemorate VJ (Victory Japan) day with the UK PM taking part.It is a meaningless for show display that is never free but costs or wastes even a lot of money (apparently the church in Ireland is short of millions needed to pay for the pope’s visit).This is an annual ritual and faith in rituals is one of three lower fetters to future woe says the Buddha. All rituals are meaningless, are plans that those who partake act according to a plan and are therefore training themselves to be robots and do not work as it is supposed to. ALL OF MANKIND ARE HOOKED ON SUCH DELUDED DISPLAYS AND FIND THEM MEANINGFUL. THERE ARE MANY ACTIVITIES THAT ARE LIKE THIS, COSTS MONEY AND ARE NOT ESSENTIAL AND THUS THERE MAY BE A LOT OF COLLAPSE IN THE ECONOMY COMING WHEN A LOT OF USELESS THINGS AND PEOPLE PERFORMING SUPERFLUOUS JOBS ARE MADE REDUNDANT.Cameron has to act solemn and respectful (because it is his job as PM) and that is called faking it no matter how he insists is heartfelt and he has an appointment with insanity for faking it. If you are faking it and know it is faking you are higher and there is hope for you, if you are faking and you think it is from the bottom of your heart, there is no hope for you.Jesus: Let the dead bury themselvesJesus said let the dead bury themselves and the Buddha said the heedless are already like the dead. Thus there can be no meaning or true purpose in coming together year after year in pomp and circumstance commemorating those who died fighting.There are many false reasons for commemorating like a reminder about the terrible toll of war or in respect of those who sacrificed their lives for their nations but there is never true purpose. It is just a ritual and mankind is hooked on rituals because mankind are all robots and rituals or rehashing according to plans are what robots do all the time.British sports defy recession:You need force to defy and British sports is not a being that can defy and so the person is embracing mad perception.British sports may be unaffected or growing in revenue in the recession but it may be because of irrationality and recklessness rather than understandable or meaningful reasons.It is emotion that drives sports, there are indications that ridiculous money has been poured into football as in the takeovers and money paid for players and their wages and the dangerously high debt levels of the major clubs.ELITE FOOTBALL HAS BECOME THE PLAYTHING OF EGOTISTIC RICH MEN WHO CAN AFFORD TO THROW THEIR ILL GOTTEN GAINS AT THEIR PLAYTHINGS AND ACCESS TO BANKS THAT KEEP LENDING WITHOUT ASKING QUESTIONS BECAUSE OWNERS ARE POWERFUL PEOPLE. GRAVITY WILL CATCH UP WITH FOOTBALL AND THE HIGHER AND LONGER EXCESSES PREVAIL, THE MORE PAINFUL THE FINAL OUTCOME.You won’t die if you do not watch sports but you will die if you have no food and so when push becomes a shove, sports will be a major casualty, those in sports don’t know what hit them.THINGS ARE NOT THAT BAD YET BUT WHEN PEOPLE START TO STARVE AND WEAR RAGS LET ME SEE SPORTS DEFYING RECESSION.Why the statement is false:There is already ample evidence of the chill winds of recession blowing through sports as in many clubs running into difficulties with debts and paying wages and have to tighten up. Sponsorships are getting leaner. Stadium terraces in many places are empty (too expensive tickets). To say sport is defying recession is to speak falsely defiantly misleading people as to how rosy sports is.The false basis of his conclusion:Quote: The study by Sheffield Hallam university said sport now accounted for 2.3% of all consumer spending and 1.8% of employment.It said football was the largest contributor, but that all sports were helping to boost the wider economy.It reflects false logic to conclude from the data that British sport is defying the recession. Because the consumer spending and employment is shrinking rapidly then if the spending on sports and employment is shrinking less, its share will be increased but that does not mean it is defying the recession because sports too is shrinking.SPORTS MAY OR IS ALSO BE SHRINKING BUT NOT AS FAST SO THAT IT HAS A BIGGER SHARE OF THE CONSUMPTION AND EMPLOYMENT SHRINKING PIE THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT IS DEFYING RECESSION. ONE MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT SHRINKING GENERAL CONSUMPTION AND EMPLOYMENT BEFORE COMING TO THE CONCLUSION WITH FLAWED LOGIC THAT SPORTS IS DEFYING RECESSION.Good grief:Op Editor: Good grief.“Good grief” is a common phrase and it is remembered and copied to be rehashed without understanding its falsity and danger.Grief is never good and so anyone who calls grief good is advocating conflict in self and others with madness due and karma in future suffering for recommending insanity to others.GRIEF CAN NEVER BE GOOD BUT IT IS ALWAYS SUFFERING SO ANYONE WHO CALLS GRIEF GOOD IS ASKING FOR JUDGMENT. THE TRUTH IS PEOPLE DO NOT MEAN WHAT THEY SAY, THEY ARE EXPRESSING PRETENTIOUS SURPRISE, BEING SARCASTIC.PETALING JAYA: A man who was fishing at a river in Kota Damansara here decided to take a closer look at a dumped bag and was shocked to see a small hand sticking out of the bag.An experience eg spotting a corpse may be unpleasant, extremely unpleasant but what has that got to do with horror or stirring one’s mental force to be violently fearful? Because it is totally unnecessary suffering and you see nothing wrong, you cannot help being horrified and you advocate others share your attitude you are heading for future suffering that is as vast as an ocean and as long as an eternity.THE PERSON WHO CAN TUNE HIS MIND TO EXPERIENCE NEITHER PAIN NOR PLEASURE WOULD NOT FEEL UNPLEASANTNESS LET ALONE EXTREME UNPLEASANTNESS LET ALONE HORROR AT THE SIGHT OF A DEAD BABY. BECAUSE HORROR IS A TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE CONDITIONED REACTION AND IS ALWAYS SUFFERING, THE HORRIFIED PERSON IS HEADED FOR MORE HORRORS THAN HE DREAMT POSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE.Staring into depression:
There is an intense gaze and he is using much force to see whilst prolonging his stare that is intended to intimidate. This is a style of seeing that is rehashed from programming and he is a robot driven by ill will.Because people use force to prolong their stares in order to intimidate they are training their mental force to prolong and that is the surefire recipe for future sadness thence depression.WHEN YOU USE YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO DRIVE YOUR EYES TO PROLONG YOUR STARE YOU ARE USING FORCE TO DO WORK THAT IS USELESS EXCEPT TO INTIMIDATE.WHEN YOUR MENTAL FORCE IS PROLONGING WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK, DRIVING ANYTHING, THAT IS EXPERIENCED AS THE EMOTION OF SADNESS THAT CAN DESCEND INTO DARK DEPRESSION.SO UNLESS YOU ENJOY DEPRESSION MAKE SURE YOU NEVER USE YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO PROLONG OR STRETCH (EG SYLLABLES) OTHERWISE YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE SADNESS AND DEPRESSION.Style is the cause of sadness, hurt, agitation, stress, restlessness and distraction:Do not underestimate the manifold severe ills of style or the use of force to stretch (eg syllables, units of motion), change speed and loudness because it is the ONLY cause of manifold ills namely sadness, hurt, agitation, stress, restlessness and inability to concentrate.How does style cause sadness?By constantly using force to prolong or stretch syllables and units of motion, you are training your mental force to automatically prolong and when mental force prolongs decoupled from doing work as in prolonging syllables (like a car engine revving in free gear) that is experienced as sadness.How does style cause hurt?People accelerate in speed and strength of force even violently to express their stylish eager or friendly manner of speech or action and this conditioned acceleration in speed and strength when decoupled from driving speech or actions (free gear) is experienced as hurt that can be shearing as a result of things happening (eg seeing your girl in the arms of another man).How does style cause agitation or confusion?By constantly changing speed and strength of force to fabricate style you are training your mental force to constantly change speed and strength for no reason and when this is decoupled from driving activities it is experienced as confusion or agitation.How does style cause stress?The constant exposure of the mind and body to force that is necessary to manufacture style leads to seizure of mind and body by force causing stress that takes time to dissipate.How does style cause restlessness?Style causes restlessness in two ways, first the constant changing speed and strength is constant change that becomes automated and that is mad restlessness. Second, the substance and style combo must be rehashed from memory and after many frequent rehash the stylish person has an urge that is hard to resist to rehash and that is restlessness.How does style cause distraction?The simultaneous substance and style combo divides the attention between the style and substance of what is said. If you pay attention to substance you cannot pay attention to style and vice versa and so the person’s attention is divided between both or more often than not, he is switched off, detached from reality and only pays attention in snapshots to presume what is happening.DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE DEADLINESS OF STYLE OR THE USE OF FORCE TO PROLONG, CHANGE SPEED AND STRENGTH. IT IS THE DIRECT CAUSE OF SADNESS, HURT, CONFUSION, STRESS, RESTLESSNESS AND DISTRACTION AND WITHOUT ELIMINATING STYLE THERE IS NO CURE FOR SADNESS, HURT, CONFUSION, STRESS, RESTLESSNESS AND DISTRACTION AND YOU ARE DOOMED FOR AN ETERNITY OF WEEPING AND GNASHING OF YOUR TEETH.NO ONE HAS TAUGHT YOU THIS EXCEPT ME AND IF WHAT I SAY IS AT THE HEART OF A BEING’S SUFFERING THEN THIS IS ALSO WHAT THE COUNSELOR JESUS DESCRIBED MUST SAY IF HE IS TO TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND IF I HAVE DONE SO I HAVE SUPERSEDED HIM.Style is the father of emotions never emotions giving rise to style:It is the use of force to fashion style or prolonging syllables, units of motion, changing speed and strength of force (loudness) that gives rise to all the emotions namely like, dislike, sadness, hurt, agitation (confusion) and fear never emotions giving rise to style.All the emotions including like are totally unnecessary, meaningless and suffering and so style is the source of many serious evils.How is style the father of all evil totally unnecessary, meaningless tormenting emotions?First you train yourself by aping others plus the force changes in others’ speech and actions induces you to similarly mindlessly prolong, change speed and strength in everything you say or do such that your mental force becomes very good at and even automated at prolonging, changing speed and strength.When like a car engine idling in free gear being revved, your mental force prolongs, changes speed and strength disengaged or decoupled from any actions or speech then the person experiences the various emotions that are all in truth harmful and leads to insanity.THE BOMBARDMENT OF FORCE CHANGES IN THE SPEECH AND ACTIONS OF OTHERS HAVE A TENDENCY TO INCITE YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO SIMILARLY RESONATE AND FURTHER THE FOOLISH BEING APES OTHERS TO SIMILARLY USE FORCE TO FASHION HIS OWN STYLE OR USE OF FORCE TO PROLONG, CHANGE SPEED AND STRENGTH IN WHATEVER HE SAYS OR DOES THAT HAS THE TENDENCY TO CONDITION HIS MENTAL FORCE TO BE VERY GOOD AT PROLONGING, CHANGING SPEED AND STRENGTH SUCH THAT ITS PROLONGING, CHANGING SPEED AND STRENGTH CAN BE TRIGGERED ON ITS OWN (WITHOUT DRIVING ANY SPEECH OR ACTION) SO THAT THE PERSON EXPERIENCES THE VARIOUS SUFFERING EMOTIONS.THUS IF YOU SEE A PRETTY GIRL THEN IT MAY TRIGGER YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO STIR EXCITEDLY OR ACCELERATING IN SPEED AND STRENGTH IN AN ATTRACTIVE WAY WITHOUT DRIVING ANY SPEECH OR ACTION AND THAT IS LIKE OR LUST.IF YOU SEE AN UGLY GIRL IT MAY TRIGGER YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO STIR IN ACCELERATING SPEED AND STRENGTH IN A REPULSIVE WAY WITHOUT DRIVING ANY ACTIVITIES SO THAT YOU EXPERIENCE DISLIKE.WHEN SOMETHING SAID DISPLEASES YOU IT MAY TRIGGER YOUR MENTAL FORCE TO STIR IN ACCELERATING SPEED AND STRENGTH IN A REPULSIVE WAY WITHOUT DRIVING ANY ACTIVITIES SO THAT YOU EXPERIENCE ANGER.SIMILARLY WHEN SOMEONE SIGNIFICANT PASSES AWAY YOUR MENTAL FORCE MAY BE TRIGGERED TO PROLONG HELPLESSLY WITHOUT DRIVING ANY ACTIVITIES SO THAT YOU EXPERIENCE SADNESS.It is emotions together with stress, restlessness and inability to concentrate that torment all beings here and at the heart of it is style, style is the father of all these evils and so anyone who underestimates the evil of style but think style is charming and good is making a very big mistake and headed for even another eternity of weeping and gnashing of teeth.Why style is the father of emotions:It can be worked out using true logic why style is the father of all emotions and not the opposite or they are independent of each other.If you never used force to stretch syllables and units of motion, change speed and strength so that your mental force is a VIRGIN in prolonging, changing speed and strength, how is it possible that it can be triggered to prolong, change speed and strength by events so that the person experiences emotions, which are all variations of how mental force is prolonging, changing speed and strength without driving or powering any speech or action?If you constantly using force to stretch syllables and units of motion, change speed and strength so that your mental force is a PRO or very good at prolonging, changing speed and strength, is it any surprise that it can be even easily triggered to prolong, change speed and strength by events so that the person experiences emotions, which are all variations of how mental force is prolonging, changing speed and strength without driving or powering any speech or action?Style or the use of force to stretch, change speed and strength is totally unnecessary and does not add any extra meaning to what is spoken or done (in fact detracts or devalues it), it is only necessary for show to impress, please, intimidate, dominate and deceive others. It is possible to speak or act without prolonging, changing speed and strength and so if you practice style you are doing something totally unnecessary and meaningless and in the process training your mental force to become very good at what is totally unnecessary namely prolong, change speed and strength. Is it any surprise that mental force could become so good at prolonging, changing speed and strength that it can do so by itself triggered by events happening?THEREFORE STYLE IS THE FATHER OF ALL EMOTIONS AND IF YOU ARE TROUBLED BY EMOTIONS THEN KNOW THAT THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEM IS STYLE, STYLE IS THE ROOT NOT JUST OF EVIL BUT ALL EVIL THAT A PERSON MAY PERPETRATED DRIVEN BY EMOTIONS LIKE JEALOUSY, GREED, COVETOUSNESS, LUST, ANGER, HATE, PRIDE, SHAME.Style is the father of all evils:It is emotions never genuine reason that is the drive eg via hatred, anger, jealousy, lust, greed, covetousness, pride, confusion, hurt, depression that causes people to commit crime. Style is the source of stress that can drive people crazy to lash out and kill.A PERSON WHO IS FREE OF STYLE IS FREED OF ALL ENDOGENOUS OR SELF CREATED LIKE, DISLIKE, SADNESS, HURT, CONFUSION AND FEAR APART FROM STRESS, RESTLESSNESS AND DISTRACTION AND HE IS INCOMPARABLY RESISTANT TO THE PROVOCATIONS FROM OTHERS SO HOW CAN HE COMMIT ANY EVIL?THE BUDDHA SAID IT IS ILL WILL (URGE TO ATTACK AND HARM OTHERS), GREED (ATTRACTIVE STIRRING OF MENTAL FORCE TO BE COVETOUS OF POSSESSIONS) AND DELUSION THAT DETAINS BEINGS IN THIS WORLD.GENUINE REASON IS NEVER THE BASIS OF DELUSIONS BUT FORCE THROUGH EMOTIONS IS THE BASIS OF DELUSIONS AND THEREFORE AT THE HEART OF THE TRIAD, IT IS STYLE THE GENERATOR OF FORCE AND EMOTIONS THAT IS THE PERPETRATOR OF ALL EVILS.THUS DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE EVIL OF STYLE. THIS IS A WORLD THAT SEES NOTHING WRONG WITH STYLE, SEES IT AS MEANINGFUL AND CHARMING WHEN IT IS EVIL AND DEADLY.I SAY THIS, WITHOUT PRACTICING STYLE EITHER CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY, THE PERSON CANNOT BE GUILTY OF EVIL, WITH THE EMBRACE OF STYLE IT IS DELUSION THAT THE PERSON CAN BE FREE OF EVIL.Why style is the source of all evil:Without force applied on others (and inevitable also harming self) there can be no evil. The cessation of all application or radiation of force is the cessation of all evil and whoever applies force on others either deliberately or unconsciously is committing evil or harm on others.Force radiated harms others directly by killing, injuring or confiscating (stealing or plundering). Force applied on others can harm indirectly by stressing them, causing them to be stressed, restless and unable to concentrate or the force stirs others’ emotions that makes them suffer.THUS FORCE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL HARM OR SUFFERING OF OTHERS EITHER DIRECTLY AS PHYSICAL HARM OR INDIRECTLY THROUGH STRESS, RESTLESSNESS, DISTRACTION AND EMOTIONS.FOREMOST STYLE IS ABOUT USING FORCE THAT IS TOTALLY UNNECESSARY TO STRETCH, CHANGE SPEED AND STRENGTH THAT IMPACTS ON OTHERS AND THAT IS EVIL.SECONDARILY, FORCE CHANGES THAT FASHION STYLE LEADS TO EMOTIONS IN THE PERSON AND IT IS HIS EMOTIONS THAT DRIVE STYLISH PEOPLE TO COMMIT EVIL.LASTLY STYLE CREATES STRESS, RESTLESSNESS AND DISTRACTION THAT DRIVES THE PERSON TO LOSE CONTROL AND COMMIT EVIL.- A PERSON’S STYLE TRANSMITS FORCE CHANGES THAT HARMS OTHERS AND THAT IS EVIL.
A robotic existence is another evil of style:Because the consistent simultaneous substance and style combo cannot be rendered live, it must be memorized and rehashed from a copy in one’s mental jukebox, style mandates a rehashing tormenting robotic or enslaved existence.If a person’s style was inconsistent, sometimes he talks or behaves like Elvis, sometimes like Marilyn Munro, sometimes like Dr M, sometimes like Lim Kit Siang then perhaps it can be rendered live but if a person’s stylish way of speaking and doing is consistent, he always types or writes in a certain way and never other ways as others do then it must be based on rehash.IF A PERSON ALWAYS TYPES OR WRITES OR HOLDS A CUP IN A PARTICULAR WAY WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO HOLD IN A DIFFERENT WAY IT MEANS HIS ACTION IS A REHASH, THERE IS A PROGRAM IN HIS HEAD TELLING HOW TO ALWAYS HOLD A CUP.WHATEVER IS REHASH IS A FAKE, COUNTERFEIT, STANDARDIZED AND DESIGNED TO BE IMPERSONALLY DISHED OUT WHEN A CERTAIN CLASS OF SITUATION IS DETECTED, YOU DON’T NEED TO UNDERSTAND OR PAY ATTENTION, JUST SELECT AND REEL OUT WHAT IS RECORDED WHEN CERTAIN CUES ARE DETECTED. THUS ANYONE WHO REHASHES IS A HYPOCRITE, DOES NOT MEAN WHAT HE SAYS OR DOES BECAUSE IT IS IMPERSONALLY RENDERED LIKE A TAPE RECORDER.FURTHER, ALL EVILS DO NOT OCCUR SPONTANEOUSLY BUT DERIVE FROM PLANS (EITHER IN HIS OWN HEAD OR FROM OTHERS. WHEN SOMEONE ORDERS YOU TO MURDER ANOTHER, YOU BECOME AN OBEDIENT ROBOT OF THAT PLAN THAT EMANATED FROM OTHERS) AND SO THE PERSON IS A ROBOT OF THAT PLAN THAT THE ROBOTIC EXISTENCE HIS STYLE MANDATES IS THE FACILATOR.ONLY ROBOTS COMMIT EVIL, WITHOUT REHASHED PLANS THERE CAN BE NO EVIL AND A PERSON’S STYLE COMMITS HIM TO BE A ROBOT.Not only do manifold evils originate from style or the use of force to prolong, change speed and strength, STYLE IS IN TRUTH THE ONLY SOURCE OF ALL EVIL.What are the ways style causes evil?- Style is the constant unnecessary use of force that is for show to prolong, change speed and strength that radiates force towards others, harming them with stress, restlessness and dividing their concentration. BY RADIATING FORCE WITH STYLE YOU ARE COMMITTING EVIL BECAUSE FORCE KILLS AND HARMS.
- Style is the father of all emotions that are not only suffering but drives others to commit evil, eg filled with hatred (an emotion) he lashed out at another. When a person constantly uses force to prolong, change speed and strength to fashion style, he is training his mental force to always stretch, change speed and strength such that this prolonging, changing speed and strength can be triggered by events occurring without driving any speech or action and this is the basis of all emotions, the stirring of force in prolonging, changing speed and strength when it is doing nothing like the revving of a car engine in neutral gear. STYLE IS THE FATHER OF ALL EMOTIONS AND EMOTIONS ARE THE SOURCES OF ALL EVILS.
- Style or the unnecessary use of force to prolong, change speed and strength bombards others with force leading to stress, restlessness and distraction and a person beset by stress, restlessness and distraction is prone to loss of control to lash out at others and cause evil. YOUR STYLE CAUSES OTHERS TO BE STRESSED, RESTLESS AND DISTRACTION THAT ARE CONDUCIVE TO COMMITING EVIL.
- Consistent style must be rehashed from memory and the stylish person must become a robot and whatever is rehashed is never genuine but impersonal, standardized intended for a class of situations as cues dictate. Only what is specifically composed for a situation is true or genuine and so the stylish person is a hypocrite.
If examined all evils never occur spontaneously without plans but it is plans that drives people who are robots to obey those plans in their heads or ordered by others to commit evil. WITHOUT BEING A ROBOT AND WITHOUT A PLAN FOR EVIL, YOU CANNOT COMMIT EVIL AND SO STYLE THAT MANDATES A ROBOTIC EXISTENCE IS A FACILATOR OF EVIL, MAKES EVIL POSSIBLE.
DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE ROLE OF STYLE IN EVIL AND SUFFERING, IT MAY BE THE SOLE CAUSE OF EVIL AND SUFFERING AND ALL EVIL AND SUFFERING CAN BE TRACED TO A SOURCE AND THAT SOURCE IS STYLE OR THE USE OF FORCE TO PROLONG, CHANGE SPEED AND STRENGTH.NO ONE HAS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL WHAT I SAID ABOVE AND IF IT IS FUNDAMENTAL THEN IN ORDER TO TEACH YOU EVERYTHING THE COUNSELOR JESUS DESCRIBED MUST ALSO SAY THE ABOVE AND IF I HAVE ALREADY SAID IT, I HAVE SUPERSEDED HIM.Why style mandates rehashing:Stretching syllables, changing speed and loudness is something separate from articulating those syllables because it is possible to speak without stretching, changing speed and loudness (even though you and everyone here cannot do so).Because stretching syllables, changing speed and loudness is separate from articulating the words, in order for you to stretch syllables, change speed and loudness as you have done in the past, there must be a form of memorization and rehashing from memorization and that is rehashing.EVEN IF YOUR REHASHED STYLE OR STRETCHED SYLLABLES, CHANGING SPEED AND LOUDNESS HAS SOME EVEN SIGNIFICANT VARIATION IT IS STILL BASED ON A MODEL OR COPY IN YOUR HEAD. IF YOU LISTEN TO ROBOTS SPEAK, THE WAY THEY ALWAYS PRONOUNCE A WORD IS STEREOTYPED, ALMOST MIRROR IMAGES AS THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE EVEN WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO PRONOUNCE IN OTHER WAYS BUT EVEN IF THERE IS SOME VARIATION IT IS STILL A REHASH BECAUSE IT BEAR RESEMBLANCE TO PAST REHASHES.Online etiquette:Etiquette is not about truth or goodness but it is about pretence and conforming (what is ‘proper’ and ‘improper’) and so the person who advocates etiquette is a pretentious or dishonest person heaping karma to be experienced as future suffering not meritorious as he and you perceive in delusion. Whatever said that is true cannot be rude or harmful to others, if you are offended or hurt by truth it is not truth’s fault but you should blame your foibles and inability to accept the truth.THUS IF WHATEVER A PERSON SAYS ONLINE IS THE TRUTH, IT CANNOT BE RUDE OR INAPPROPRIATE AND IF TRUTH OFFENDS YOU IT IS NOT TRUTH BUT YOU WHO IS TO BLAME AND SHOULD YOU PERSECUTE TRUTH FOR BEING REVEALED YOU ARE HEAPING KARMA TO BE EXPERIENCED AS FUTURE SUFFERING.THUS THE PERSON WHO PREACHES ETIQUETTE IS TALKING NONSENSE HE THINKS IS SENSIBLE AND HE IS DELUDED AND HEADED FOR SUFFERING.You never hear me talk about etiquette because what matters is whether what you say is true or not, beneficial and insightful.If what you say is false or frivolous what is the point of etiquette?If what a person says online is false or frivolous or nonsense, what is the point of etiquette? Can what is meaningless be made meaningful by applying etiquette? Can what is false be made true by etiquette?Can you censor what is true with etiquette and it still remains the truth?If you cannot make what is false true or what is meaningless meaningful with etiquette and you cannot censor what is true with etiquette without making it false then in advocating etiquette you are advocating something that is useless and even sinful if the application of etiquette on what is true falsifies or corrupts it.Manners and etiquette is about style not substance:Manners are not about truth and goodness but saying and doing things that are accepted by society, prescribed by society to please and not upset others.MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE IS NOT ABOUT SUBSTANCE OR TRUTH BUT STYLE, ABOUT WHAT AND HOW YOU SAY OR DO THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO OTHERS, DICTATED BY SOCIETY, THAT DOES NOT OFFEND BUT PLEASES OTHERS AND SO WHOEVER ADVOCATES MANNERS AND ETIQUETTES IS ADVOCATING FALSITY, PUTTING ON A SHOW AND THAT IS THE WAY TO PERDITION.IF MANNERS IS ABOUT STYLE AND IN THE NAME OF PLEASING AND NOT OFFENDING OTHERS (AT THE EXPENSE OF TRUTH) YOU THINK IT IS MEANINGFUL, ABOUT SUBSTANCE THEN YOU HAVE FALSE PERCEPTION.Everything that is exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God. Etiquette or manners that are exalted by men is an abomination in the sight of God.EVEN AFTER I HAVE SAID, THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO WILL RESENT, WHO FIND MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE DESIRABLE, PROPER, MEANINGFUL AND THIS REFLECTS THEIR DELUSION, THEY CANNOT SHAKE THEIR REHASHED FALSE PERCEPTION THAT MANNERS IS GOOD.Thus anyone who scold another, “You don’t have manners, ah?” is asking for punishment because it is not a matter of manners but a matter of whether what is said or done is true or meaningful.Meditating with force will get you nowhere:
This is the face of someone who is supposedly in meditation.The expression on her face indicating she is summoning force to meditate, she is using the wrong tool to conduct her meditation which is why no matter how frequently and long she meditates she will get nowhere.The true meditation is to do nothing, to pay attention to the state of the mind and body and be aware of the presence of force, to not further stoke force by thinking emotionally but to allow the arisen force to dissipate by itself as it naturally will because force ultimately exhausts itself unless foolishly regenerated.THUS CORRECT MEDITATION IS PASSIVE (THERE IS NO SMILE ON THE FACE OR STRAINING TO FOCUS), YOU JUST USE REASON OR ATTENTION TO FOCUS ON THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF STRESS OR TENSION IN YOUR MIND AND BODY AND AVOID STOKING FORCE BY TENSING YOUR HANDS OR ARMS, SCREWING UP YOUR FACE OR THINKING EMOTIONALLY ABOUT AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD.THE REASON WHY THE BULK OF MANKIND FROM PROFESSIONAL MONKS TO LAY PEOPLE NEVER ATTAIN A TRUE RELEASE IS BECAUSE EVEN AS THEY ARE MEDITATING THEY ARE MEDITATING WITH STYLE AND USING FORCE AS A TOOL TO MEDITATE THAT RENDERS IT IMPOSSIBLE THEY SHOULD ACHIEVE TRUE RELEASE FROM SUFFERING.Meditation is like letting gas from a balloon:A person’s mind and body is like an inflated balloon under tension. The purpose of meditation initially is to release the gas in the balloon, allowing the air or stress to deflate. After you are accomplished at doing that and your mind and body enjoying serenity that is not of the flesh then the next step is to learn to stop thinking and thence to neither stir your mental force to like or dislike and then to further tune out pain and pleasure from your consciousness. WHEN YOU LET GAS OUT OF A BALLOON, YOU DO NOTHING APART FROM RELEASING THE VALVE. SUBSEQUENTLY IT IS A MATTER OF THE BALLOON DEFLATING BY ITSELF. AS SIMPLE AS IT MAY SEEM, EMOTIONAL PEOPLE CANNOT LET THINGS BE, THEY MUST MEDITATE WITH STYLE OR ADDED FORCE WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE GOING AROUND IN CIRCLES.Before you can stop thinking:Before you can stop thinking you must develop a serene mind and body, before you can stop liking nor disliking you must first be able to stop thinking at will, before you can experience neither pain nor pleasure you must first be able to experience neither like nor dislike.This follows from what the Buddha said that you must pass through the 1st higher state of mind (serenity of body and mind) before you reach the 2nd higher state, the state of one pointed mind without thought which then advances to the third and thence fourth higher state of minds.IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DEVELOP NEITHER LIKING NOR DISLIKING WITHOUT FIRST DEVELOPING SERENITY OF MIND AND ONE POINTEDNESS OF MIND.THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED FULLY CONSCIOUS ONE POINTED NO THINKING, LET ALONE THE INCOMPARABLY SUPERIOR STATE OF NEITHER LIKING NOR DISLIKING. INCREASINGLY I CAN GO ABOUT MY DAILY LIFE UNPERTURBED, NEITHER LIKING NOR DISLIKING WHAT IS PRESENTED TO ME, EVEN UNDER CONSIDERABLE PROVOCATIONS BY OTHERS AND IT IS AN INCOMPARABLY BLISSFUL STATE TO EXIST IN. MY MENTAL STATE AT THE MOMENT, THE CALM CLEARLY SEEING ASSURDEDNESS IS UNTHINKABLE A FEW YEARS AGO.