Accelerating Acceleration:
To forcefully accelerate in speed and forcefulness in speech or motion at a constant rate of acceleration itself always induces restlessness in that person’s mind, so to further accelerate one’s acceleration in speed and forcefulness in speech and motion is to further increase, perhaps exponentially amplify the intensity of one’s restlessness.
As a result of his abusive behavior, the sinner experiences stress that then forces him to lash out in a way with violently accelerating speed and force that only intensifies his stress. As a result of practicing constant changes in speed and loudness in speech, he becomes restless that forces him to lash out forcefully so that he is soon accelerating his acceleration instead of just accelerating his speed and loudness in speech.
It may be the truth that even when they are speaking and doing things sedately, many ordinary people are already not just accelerating at a constant rate but accelerating in speed and force/loudness at a mildly accelerating rate and when they are really ‘worked up’ they then accelerate in a rapidly accelerating way. They do not accelerate at a constant rate.
Accelerated acceleration represents a higher level of controlled restlessness that is flirting with mad restlessness.
The sounds that people (even women) make with their cars or motorbikes when they take off or pass by can be quite disagreeable, harsh or distracting. The reason it is so is because they hold their gears far longer than is necessary and they do not just accelerate at a constant rate but they accelerate at an accelerating rate.
It is possible to accelerate or build up speed gradually at a sedate rate and then maintain that speed constantly but people, reflecting they are stressed, harassed and harbor ill will, often if not always accelerate with acceleration that is accelerating in a crescendo like manner that is particularly harsh to the ear of any listener and distracts. Even though they suffer as they abuse themselves and their machines mercilessly with accelerating acceleration, they do not realize they have grave debts to pay for distressing others with the way they drive.
Not only do people not drive or speak or move at constant speed, they never accelerate at constant rate but they accelerate at an accelerating rate that is particularly harsh to the ears or eyes.
Accelerating acceleration is the maximum rate of forceful unnecessary insane change that is physically possible; if it was physically possible to outdo even that, goats will have discovered it and it reflects that goats are at their wits ends that they mindlessly accelerate with accelerating acceleration not only when they drive but when they speak (that is how speech sounds very urgent, the accelerating acceleration of speed and loudness as the sentence unfolds).
When you grab or snatch at something, there is rapid, even accelerating acceleration of force and speed culminating in a climax at contact.
Accelerating acceleration is the crucial ingredient of impulse which is irresistible or cannot be thwarted once triggered in the mind whilst urge is merely a constant acceleration to do or say something to please, impress, intimidate or dominate others that can be negated if sufficient counterforce is applied.
Accelerating acceleration in speed and force in speech, motion and thought represents the limit of controlled restlessness that can be practiced and impending mad uncontrollable violent restlessness culminating in suicide or homicide.
No Other Way:
There are only two mutually exclusive ways to behave. There are no other ways.
Either you can speak, move, think or perceive (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) in a forceful manner that constantly applies force to your mind to progressively warp and degrade it, that leads to recurrent bouts of stress that never remains static but grows in intensity and ease of arousal with constant practice that will end in agony and ultimately kill you or you speak, move, think and perceive in a manner that is not forceful, that has no added force and does not apply force to your mind to stress, warp and degrade it.
Either you speak, move, think or perceive with a simultaneous combination of style and substance that forces you to constantly divide your attention between the two (eg juggle your attention between smiling and speaking) or render them (smiling whilst speaking) by rote from a mental jukebox vulnerable to corruption or you speak, move, think or perceive without style with single passively undivided attention all the time.
Either you (forcefully) stretch all your syllables and change speed and loudness (force) to greater or lesser extent whilst you speak, move, think and perceive that is de facto practicing controlled restlessness that will lead to bouts of uncontrollable restlessness or you don’t.
(Whilst it is possible to behave with permutations of the three variables of a) either stretching and not stretching syllables, b) either changing speed and not changing speed, c) either changing loudness and not changing loudness in speech, it is never seen in this world but stretching syllables, changing speed and changing loudness always occur together, are always constant never intermittent. The reason is because stretching syllables with constant changes in speed and loudness are always mindlessly rendered across the board automatically from a mental jukebox and such intricate juggling of permutations is only possible in a person who is himself not a mindless actor but being a attentive non actor, he can by paying full attention demonstrate in isolation singularly all these permutations that sound distinctively different from each other.)
For one who sees correctly, though it is possible to speak, move, think and perceive without force, without the combination of substance and style, without stretching syllables or constant changes in speed and force (loudness), all people and animals in this world behave in ways that are all forceful, applies force to their minds, behave in manners with a simultaneous combination of substance and style, stretch all their syllables with constant changes in speed and loudness.
Stretching syllables with constant changes in speed and loudness is always forceful, always applies force on the mind no matter how softly or slowly it is spoken, is totally unnecessary except for show, wastes prodigious amounts of energy creating insoluble stress and restlessness that leads to distraction whilst not to stretch one’s syllables and not to change speed and loudness is the only permanent cure from unnecessary stress, restlessness and distraction.
(According to the Buddha, there is no issue that is more pressing confronting a being than stress and he said the noble person has abandoned restlessness and is concentrated not distracted in mind. If what I say above is true, I have spelt out in no uncertain terms the way to the permanent exit from stress, restlessness and distraction, the counselor Jesus spoke of must similarly address this matter if he is to teach you all things, be an advantage for you to come and convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Throughout the ages nobody has come to this realization even when it is possible then as now to do so, nobody today will speak this truth or publicly discuss this topic (how they stretch their syllables and change speed and loudness) with each other, let alone that they will spontaneously come into insight this truth, so what are the chances that someone from this world will spontaneously come to this realization?)
Just a few years ago it would be unthinkable for me and I would be lying if I were to say that it is possible to exist (even in this world) in a mental state that is (effortlessly, no force is required) released from stress, restlessness, distraction and sadness but now even though others still suffer stress, restlessness and distraction, I have known and tasted for myself what a calm, clearly thinking state it is to exist without even a shadow of stress, restlessness and distraction.
The permanently changed mental state I experienced after 1977 was inconceivable, I never previously dreamt was possible and incomparably more joyful and saner. If it was conceivable, I knew it was possible, I would have changed much earlier.
Again the consciousness changes in recent years with its permanent deliverance to me from sadness, anxiety, worry, giddiness, headaches, restlessness, stress and distraction was inconceivable, I never previously dreamt was possible to exist in just a few years ago. If it was possible, I would have changed much earlier.
It is easy to be wise after the fact but it is a reflection of how momentous or unimaginable these recent changes and the changes after 1977 that nobody, including me could have dreamt beforehand that they were possible. Others may dispute what I say but if I am correct that there were momentous changes both after 1977 and in recent years that affected everyone and brought them significant relief from the previous mandatory suffering (though they still suffer now, it is by choice because they refuse to give up their self and other persecutory conduct), then they are either blind (undiscerning) or in denial.
Jules Verne and Leonardo Da Vinci foresaw the coming of flying machines but the consciousness changes in 1977 and recent years were never foreseen.
Force must be used that impacts on the mind to create stress when one stretches one’s syllables and constantly change speed and loudness which is the style that detracts and distracts from the substance of what is said.
Signs & Symptoms Of Acting:
It is not possible for a person who passively does not act to suffer from symptoms listed below and they are therefore warning signs of acting and the terrible future dangers that acting bring.
Apart from regular bouts of stress, restlessness and distraction, actors must suffer from:
Giddiness: The constant application of force on the mind is similar to the boxer who subjects his brain to repeated punches that produce giddiness.
Violent impulses: Because acting is forcefully going against oneself in the name of pleasing, impressing, dominating or intimidating others, all actors must harbor significant hate for himself and others, must harbor violent urges to lash out, that efforts to control and suppress only aggravates.
Inappropriate & silly behavior: As genuine or realistic as the speech and actions of an actor is, it is mostly rendered without thinking by impulse from a mental jukebox. Therefore in certain circumstances when the actor is harassed, he may select the wrong or inappropriate clichés or actions to execute, to his embarrassment.
Because actors are constantly going against themselves to say or do things they do not mean to please, impress, dominate and intimidate others, there is an urge to do foolish, silly or useless things, to even make a fool of themselves.
Cogwheel rigidity of speech and movements: Because acted speech and motion is a tight simultaneous synchromesh of style and substance that are so well fitted together, the cogging is usually not visible to fellow actors but under certain circumstances, this tight synchromesh between style and substance is strained and the cog wheeled rigidity or jerkiness of the actor’s movements and speech that reflects the true intense effort needed to merge style and substance becomes evident.
Emotions: Emotions can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary emotions are fabricated or faked to impress others, eg act sad at a funeral or act delighted or excited when you feel nothing. Genuine emotions are involuntary, nobody can be genuinely angry or hateful or greedy or fearful by choice but they are forced by mental force that they cannot resist to become emotional depending on the circumstantial trigger.
Emotions do not exist in non actors who are not forceful, who do not forcefully go against themselves to trigger forceful conflict and thence emotions that then seize actors as situations arise to do or say things that they have little control over.
Mental Blocks: All actors must experience occasions when they forget what they are saying or doing because whatever they say or do are forceful against forceful self resistance. Occasionally the forceful self resistance may overcome the force to go against self in mid sentence or deed and the whole act comes to an unceremonious halt.
Doubt & Uncertainty: Doubt and uncertainty are false emotional states of the mind that have nothing to do with reality or things as they are. If you never say what you mean, you never mean what you say, you force yourself to say or do things to be nice, you are always sarcastic, you must be beset by doubt and uncertainty that is entirely dependent on your falsity, not external circumstances.
Distraction & Dazes: Actors must experience regular inability to concentrate on matters at hand and lapse into dazes when everything is a blur, confused or they are daydreaming, detached from the here and now that they must struggle to forcefully extricate themselves not realizing that a time may come when they may be unable to extricate themselves.
All the conditions I describe above are common place or mundane to actors so that they are lulled to believe they are normal. It would be presumptuous to think that the Buddha’s mind is similarly afflicted by the conditions I describe above.
Mental Force:
Just like all the electrical appliances in a household no matter how expensive or sophisticated is dependent on electricity to power them, all emotions no matter how exquisite or coarse are dependent on mental force to function. If there existed no mental force in that mind (possible but not seen in beings in this world), all the emotions will be rendered lifeless.
Fear, sadness, depression, emotional joy, excitement, anger, hatred, greed, lust, jealousy, pride, envy, like and dislike, doubt and uncertainty may all seem real and different but they are all paper tigers dependent on air or force to inflate them, that foolish people permit force to inflate in their minds.
All emotions are involuntary mental forces that only exist in actors and drive their speech, action, thought and perception. Nobody gets emotional (angry, sad, hateful, greedy, embarrassed or proud) voluntarily but they are all seized helplessly by provocative circumstances to become emotional. Therefore the existence of emotions in a person is an indication that he is not a master of himself but a slave of mental force, specifically emotions. Only a person who is passively devoid of emotions rather than forcefully controlling his emotions is truly a master of himself. It is no loss to be permanently rid of emotion but it is an incomparable release from mental woe.
The experience of physical or bodily pain (toothache or cancer pain) too is dependent on the existence of mental force in that mind. The capacity to experience intense pain is dependent on the capacity for forcefulness or violence in that person. What the Buddha said below suggest that sharp racking pain can be endured without suffering.
Whatever is forceful, has force is conditioning. Therefore if you keep speaking or behaving in forceful ways that are false, for show, that induces stress, restlessness and distraction, you are forcefully conditioning your mind to mental states of woe that becomes increasingly strong with practice that you can only forcefully control but will ultimately run out of control.
The longer and more intense one has subjected one’s mind to stressful, restlessness inducing and distracting acting, the harder acting (with its stretched syllables, constant changes in speed and loudness) gets to shake off, the greater the temptation to drift along maintaining the status quo especially when distracted, one fails to discern that one’s stress, restlessness and distraction is getting more intense and easier to arouse with time, one is lulled to think one will always keep in control and shrug off in a relative way one’s stress, restlessness and distraction when they get too intense when one is approaching a threshold wherein one’s stress, restlessness and distraction are too malignant or implacable and one’s capacity for recovery is weakening. Thus foolish, defiant and complacent, egged on by fellow goats everywhere who encourage him to keep up his abusive behavior, he drifts along, ever conditioning, strengthening his urge to defile himself and others, approaching a cliff he cannot see that he will have to plunge down weeping when he reaches it.
Kamma Sutta: Action
A monk was sitting not far from the Blessed One, his legs crossed, his body held erect, enduring sharp, racking pains that were the result of old kamma -- mindful, alert, without suffering. The Blessed One saw him.
Then, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:
For the monk who has left all kamma behind,
shaking off the dust of the past, steady, without longing, Such*:
there's no point in telling anyone else.
The pain experience depends on mental force:
How intense the pain you can experience depends on how forceful you are.
A person who experiences severe pain winces his facial muscles violently, may clench his fists tightly and roll around forcefully thereby applying force on his mind. Violently wincing or clenching fists applies force on the mind causing mental pain or stress; therefore the experience of pain too is dependent on the existence and application of force to enhance or amplify it. Faced with pain, the foolish person who always applies force on his mind, has never not applied force on his mind, whose mental force rapidly accelerate in strength or occur involuntarily if sufficiently provoked), is seized beyond his control by mental force that accelerates rapidly to experience excruciating pain. It is precisely because tough brutes possess very violent mental force and no matter how they toughen themselves to endure pain, a threshold can be exceeded when they will be reduced to weepy wrecks.
Force must always be applied on the mind to stretch syllables or change speed and loudness in speech and motion. Therefore a person who constantly changes speed and force or loudness in speech, motion, thought and perception is constantly applying force on his mind, generating force that powers his emotions and capacity to experience pain.
Ordinary people do not realize they are constantly applying force on their minds without awareness like the person who is constantly kneading and squeezing a watermelon, sometimes restlessness slapping and even thumping it under provocation eg during animated sustained conversations. Like the watermelon, their brains are constantly being squashed by this incessant force that has already damaged the parenchyma and if they did not desist they are going to destroy the watermelon that is their brain and go mad.
Unless you enjoy suffering, you enjoy going mad, you should give priority to recognizing how and when you apply force on your mind. Every time you move your facial muscles when you speak or gesticulate, you change speed and loudness when you speak you are applying force on your mind. Whenever anyone frowns, grimaces, screws up his face, smiles, nods or jerks his head when he speaks, he is applying force on his mind.
If Jesus wanted everyone to know precisely who the counselor is, he would have said so in no uncertain terms.
However, the fact that Jesus spoke of a counselor indicates that he wants to inform you of a counselor to come. What is the use of speaking about a counselor that nobody could identify, who will always remain a mystery? Therefore within the concise description must be sufficient data to identify him.
All Existence Is A Taint:
The Buddha: "Such and such is virtue; such and such is concentration (the opposite of distraction); and such and such is wisdom. [9] Great becomes the fruit, great is the gain of concentration when it is fully developed by virtuous conduct; great becomes the fruit, great is the gain of wisdom when it is fully developed by concentration; utterly freed from the taints [10] of lust, becoming, and ignorance is the mind that is fully developed in wisdom."
The Buddha is saying above that becoming or existence is itself a taint.
As much as people passionately cherish their own existences, there are occasions when beset by problems and sufferings (physical and mental) when they wished they had never existed and want to end it all. But that cannot be had on a whim. As the Buddha said, there are allures to existence just as there are serious drawbacks to existence, even in heaven. Existence itself in a community of beings is a taint as the Buddha said. The only way to end all existence is the total remainderless extinguishing of all passions, all emotions through calm clearly seeing imperturbable enlightenment.
Three Urgent Duties:
The Buddha: "In the same way, there are these three urgent duties of a monk. Which three? The undertakings of heightened virtue (speech, movement and thought that do not stress, create restlessness and distract self and others), heightened mind (concentration) & heightened discernment (ability to differentiate what is true from what appears true but is false). These are the three urgent duties of a monk. Now, that monk does not have the power or might [to say:] 'May my mind be released from fermentations through lack of clinging/sustenance today or tomorrow or the next day.' But when the time has come, his mind is released from fermentations through lack of clinging/sustenance.
"Thus, monks, you should train yourselves: 'Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened virtue. Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened mind. Strong will be our desire for the undertaking of heightened discernment.' That's how you should train yourselves."
To Rebel Is Not Virtuous:
Rebelliousness is never a virtuous quality but it is always forcefully (harms the mind of the rebellious person) or emotionally rejecting and lashing out. The noble person passively declines to share or adopt the values; he does not display antagonism or incite others to do likewise.
To rebel is sinful conduct not to be recommended to others and to further ask others to entertain a notion that may be impossible or false, namely ‘rebel against rebellion’ is evil and flirting with insanity.
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