Friday, September 16, 2011

Ian Herbert: Cook's email was insensitive

Ian Herbert: Cook's email was insensitive but is hardly grounds for his dismissal The email is excruciating and insensitive but the act of writing it is something many individuals might be capable of in the private seclusion of an office. “Insensitive” is his perception and understanding of the email and it is wrong because the email was intended to hurt, to stick the knife in and there is nothing insensitive or sensitive about it. HERE YOU HAVE A ‘RESPECTED’ COLUMNIST WRITING IN A RESPECTED NEWSPAPER AND YET HE UNDERSTANDS WRONGLY AN EMAIL INTENDED TO HURT AS INSENSITIVE. IT IS OBJECTIVE WHAT THE EMAIL PORTRAYED AND IF IT WAS INTENDED TO ATTACK, TO HURT AND YOU SAY IT IS INSENSITIVE, HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE SENSITIVE AND REFRAINED FROM IT IN VIEW OF CIRCUMSTANCES THEN YOU ARE SHOWING YOU HAVE A WRONG UNDERSTANDING OR INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS HAPPENING. BY BEING SENSITIVE YOU ARE ADVOCATING HYPOCRISY, REFRAINING FROM SAYING CERTAIN NASTY THINGS NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WRONG AND HURTFUL BUT TO ‘PITY’ THE RECIPIENT OR TO APPEAR CIVIL. THE EMAIL IS EITHER RIGHT OR WRONG, TRUE OR FALSE; SENSITIVITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT EXCEPT IN THE PERSON’S DELUSION THAT WILL END IN INSANITY. IN OTHER WORDS, HE IS ADVOCATING HYPOCRISY, NOT CERTAIN THINGS THAT YOU WANT TO SAY JUST TO BE POLITE. YOU DO NOT NEED SUPERNATURAL POWERS TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING, YOU NEED DISCERNMENT, AN ABILITY TO SEE THINGS AS THEY ACTUALLY ARE AND IF YOU SEE THINGS CLEARLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE EMAIL WAS VENOMOUS, WAS MEANT TO HURT, ATTACK AND SO IT IS BIZARRE TO CALL IT INSENSITIVE. Sensitivity is about not stirring force, not reason: Whenever people talk about being sensitive, they mean not speaking or doing things that hurt the feelings of the target person. Thus if your priority or purpose is to be sensitive, you design your speech and actions so as not to stir hurt in the other person, hurt is a function of stirred force and so a person who is sensitive speaks and does things depending on the occasion not to speak the truth but just not to stir force or hurt in the person. THUS IF YOU SPEAK ABOUT BEING SENSITIVE YOU ARE UNWITTINGLY ADMITTING THAT FORCE AND THE NON STIRRING OF FORCE (THAT IS BLIND AND MEANINGLESS) IS WHAT HAS PRIORITY OR MEANING TO YOU RATHER THAN THE TRUTH OR SUBSTANCE OF WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY. THE PERSON WHO IS PREOCCUPIED WITH SENSITIVITY IS DELUDED, HE IS FAR MORE CONCERNED WITH STIRRING AND NOT STIRRING FORCES IN OTHERS THAN IN THE SUBSTANCE OR MEANING OR TRUTH OF WHAT HE WANTS TO SAY OR DO. You should never be sensitive to the feelings of others: You often hear the advice of deluded people to be always sensitive to the feelings of others with what you say or do. This is a form of blind indiscriminate programming of others who become your robot. Rather than meritorious the fool who advices thus is heaping karma to be experienced as future suffering. YOU SHOULD NEVER BE SENSITIVE TO THE FEELINGS OF OTHERS BECAUSE THAT IS PANDERING TO FORCE. INSTEAD YOU SHOULD STRIVE TO ALWAYS SPEAK WHAT IS TRUE AND RELEVANT TO THE OCCASION, TO ONLY SAY OR DO THINGS THAT BENEFIT YOURSELF AND OTHERS. IF WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE AND TRULY BENEFICIAL TO OTHERS, IT IS NEVER YOUR FAULT THE OTHER PERSON IS HURT BUT IT IS HIS FAULT, HIS CONDITIONED FALSE PERCEPTION AND SENSITIVITY THAT MAKES HIM HURT BY WHAT IS SAID THAT IS TRUE AND BENEFICIAL (EG I SAY SMILING AND JOKING IS EVIL AND MAD AND IF YOU GET HURT IT IS NOT MY FAULT BUT THE FAULT OF YOUR DELUSION). ANYONE WHO PANDERS TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS IS PRACTICING CONTROLLED INSANITY THAT IS ADDICTIVE AND WILL END IN MADNESS. Sensitivities are about likes and dislikes: If what you say or do is to pander to the sensitivities of others it is to not upset others, not stir their dislikes for what you say or not hurt their feelings rather than mean what you say or do. IF YOU MEAN WHAT YOU SAY OR DO, IT IS NOT TO CATER TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS, IF YOU CATER TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS, IT IS NEVER TO SAY OR DO WHAT IS TRUE OR MEANT EXCEPT IN YOUR DELUSION THAT YOU CAN BOTH SERVE TRUTH AND MEANING AND YET CATER TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS. TO CATER TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS IS TO SPEAK AND DO THINGS WITH THE AIM OF PLEASING AND IMPRESSING THEM, AVOIDING STIRRING THEIR DISLIKE OR ANGER OR NOT HURTING THEM. YOU CANNOT MEAN WHAT YOU SAY OR DO, BUT YOU MEAN TO CATER TO THEIR SENSITIVITIES. IF WHAT YOU SAY OR DO IS TRUE OR MEANINGFUL, IT CANNOT BE TO CATER FOR OTHERS’ SENSITIVITIES. BECAUSE LIKE, DISLIKE & HURT ARE PRODUCTS OF FORCE, YOUR ACTION THAT CATERS TO THE SENSITIVITIES OF OTHERS IS CATERING TO THE (BLIND MEANINGLESS) STIRRING OF FORCE IN OTHERS. Mobile phone users angry over having to pay extra charges PETALING JAYA: Mobile phone users are angry over having to pay a 6% service tax for prepaid lines, with many of them claiming they are being “bullied” by the telcos. Anger is the force based response to something happening and because it is based on force it is based on what is blind and dangerous. Anger is never the correct response to the event but reason or understanding is the correct response. One studies the situation and if it is unfair, wrong for the ‘telcos’ to raise charges, it is profiteering or it is their inefficiency that is raising costs, then you can request that they not raise charges, if they disagree, then since they are the service providers, there is nothing you can do except terminate your subscription or curtail your usage. Mobiles are not essential, you can live without it and since it is the right of telcos who have been granted monopolies to raise charges, it is your right to terminate your subscription or economize by cutting your likely profligate usage. YOU CAN SAVE MORE BY CUTTING USAGE THAN BY PROTESTING AND GETTING ANGRY. ANGER IS THE WRONG RESPONSE AND IS CONTROLLED INSANITY THAT THIS WORLD SEES NOTHING WRONG EVEN SEES IT AS CORRECT. HERE AGAIN IS EVIDENCE PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD HAVE NO TRUE UNDERSTANDING BECAUSE NO PERSON OF TRUE UNDERSTANDING WILL APPROACH A SITUATION WITH FORCE, WOULD STIR ANGER OR MENTAL FORCE THAT IS THE WRONG INSTRUMENT TO USE TO RESOLVE THE SITUATION. THE FACT THAT YOU THINK IT IS RIGHT REFLECTS THE DEPTH OR INCURABILITY OF YOUR DELUSION. OK, THE TELCOS GET COWERED BY YOUR ANGER AND RESCIND THEIR INTENTION BUT THIS IS MERELY A CASE OF SUCCESSFUL BULLYING OR INTIMIDATION BY YOU OR OF FORCE TRIUMPHING OVER FORCE THAT IS TEMPORARY AND UNSTABLE. Anger not only a wrong response but asking for punishment: To be angry when faced with raised charges is not only suffering and conditioning yourself to be upset when things do not meet your desires, it is asking for punishment because it is confrontational, adversarial, intimidating. It is not the path to heaven where there is no anger, no dissent, no confrontation and that means eternal punishment. NOT ONLY IS ANGER SUFFERING AND THE INCORRECT RESPONSE TO AN ISSUE, BECAUSE IT IS CONFRONTATIONAL, FIGHTING, IT IS THE WAY TO FUTURE WOE NOT HEAVEN. THE AUTHORITIES OR POLITICIANS HAVE DEADLY KARMA CHOOSING IRRESPONSIBLE PROFITEERING INEFFICIENT COMPANIES TO RUN SERVICES BUT NOW THAT THEY HAVE BEEN APPOINTED, YOUR JUST RECOURSE IS TO ABSTAIN OR CURTAIL YOUR USAGE. Obama: U.S. stronger 10 years after September 11 attacks If you speak without knowing what you say is true then you are courting insanity and will get it. How does he see and know the US is stronger today? It is impossible the US is stronger but it is significantly weaker and so he is either deluded or speaking to boast and stir American emotion and reassure Americans unrighteously. Why is the US definitely weaker? The US today is saddled by severe even terminal economic conditions, it is weighed down by debts that threaten to drown it and there is mass insoluble unemployment that will destroy the social fabric, lead to civil unrest so how can the US be stronger? In truth the US cannot afford its defence expenditures and must curtail but there are vested interests that will resort even to assassination of the president if the defence budget is severely reduced. WHAT OBAMA SAID IS FALSE, IF ANYTHING THE US IS WEAKER TODAY AND HEADING DOWN AS A RESULT OF PROFLIGACY OF PAST PRESIDENTS AND THE REASON HE IS SAYING THAT IS SELF SERVING, TO FALSELY REASSURE AMERICANS AND THEREBY BEAT HIS OWN DRUM. France says believes the yuan is undervalued (Reuters) - French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Sunday he believed the Chinese currency was undervalued and would raise the issue when he visits Beijing shortly. Europe faces an economic crisis so why is he bringing up this issue if it is not because he sees this as an answer, it is blaming others and wanting others to solve problems that you created with your own folly. Why is an undervalued yuan not the cause and answer to Europe’s crisis? Even if the yuan is revalued significantly it may not boost demand for French goods in China to boost French recovery if the masses in China are too poor to afford French goods even at a devalued price. If China holds a lot of euros as it holds a lot of USD then it does not matter if the yuan is revalued but Europe will be paid nothing because it will be paid by cancelling existing debts. If China holds euros then it will use those euros to repay but these euros China holds is likely to have been recklessly lent by European banks to European consumers (eg Greece, Italy and Spain) and so France will not get anything except debt cancellation for its boosted exports as a result of revaluation. EVEN IF REVALUATION BOOSTED CHINESE DEMAND FOR FRENCH GOODS, THE FRENCH MAY NOT GET ANY PAYMENT IF CHINA ALREADY HOLDS A LOT OF EUROS THAT WILL BE RETURNED TO FINANCE THOSE PURCHASE AND THESE RETURNED EUROS MAY BE PHANTOMS BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN LENT FOOLISHLY IRRETRIEVABLY TO EUROPEAN CONSUMERS LIKE GREECE, SPAIN AND ITALY. IF THE CHINESE MASSES ARE STILL POOR THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY FRENCH GOODS EVEN IF THEY ARE CHEAPENED BY DEVALUATION. IF FRANCE IS HOPING TO TAKE CHINA’S WORLD MARKET SHARE AS A RESULT OF CHINESE GOODS BEING MORE EXPENSIVE COMPARED WITH FRENCH GOODS, THAT MAY NOT MATERIALIZE IF GLOBAL DEMAND IS DOWN AS A RESULT OF DEBT OVERLOAD CRIPPLING DEMAND GLOBALLY. IF THE WORLD IS HIT BY A CRISIS, WHAT IS THE POINT OF YOUR GOODS BEING CHEAPER THAN CHINESE GOODS AS A RESULT OF REVALUATION WHEN DEMAND WILL BE DOWN ANYWAY? What revaluation can & cannot achieve: Beset by debt problems and a floundering economy, France has joined the US chorus to want China to revalue. What can revaluation achieve? In bilateral trade between Europe and China, it will make Chinese goods more expensive possibly (but not necessarily) reducing demand for Chinese goods whilst European goods will be cheaper in China possibly but not necessarily increasing demand for European goods. In terms of world trade, Chinese goods will become more expensive and possibly but not necessarily less attractive whilst European goods will become comparatively cheaper and possibly more attractive. Thus in the global marketplace, France is attempting to steal or confiscate part of China’s market share by forcing the yuan up. However in today’s world, those nations with savings like China & Germany may have lost their savings because these savings have been lent out (eg China’s holdings in US treasuries have been squandered by the US government and no longer there except in printing more paper and Germany’s may have been lent by banks to countries like Greece and irretrievably lost) and so the world is running on empty tank rather than the many severely indebted countries and the many saving surplus countries like China and Germany running to the rescue like Lone Ranger. IN A WORLD RUNNING ON EMPTY TANK, WHERE THE SAVERS HAVE IN REALITY LOST THEIR MONEY BY FOOLISHLY LENDING TO THE INDEBTED COUNTRIES, WHERE DEMAND IS DEPRESSED GLOBALLY, WHERE IS THE US AND FRANCE GOING TO FIND INCREASED EXPORTS TO REDRESS THEIR TRADE IMBALANCES AND DEBTS? IF THE US AND FRANCE WRESTS AWAY PART OF CHINA’S MARKET SHARE THROUGH REVALUATION, IT WILL DEPRESS THE CHINESE ECONOMY AND DEMAND SO THAT TOO MAY IMPACT ON FRANCE’S AND US’ EXPORTS TO CHINA. DESPITE REVALUATION YOU STILL HAVE TO REPAY YOUR DEBTS AND WHILST YOU ARE REPAYING YOUR DEBTS, YOU GET NOTHING FOR YOUR ENDEAVOURS, JUST CANCELLATION OF THOSE DEBTS AND SO THIS WILL STILL DEPRESS YOUR ECONOMY BECAUSE YOU WILL GET NOTHING FOR YOUR ENDEAVOURS. THUS THE WISE PERSON WOULD NEVER INDEBT HIMSELF TO OTHERS BECAUSE IT MEANS BORROWING FROM THE FUTURE TO SPEND AND CONSUME TODAY SO THAT WHEN TOMORROW COMES YOU MAY HAVE NOTHING TO SPEND BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT YESTERDAY. AND SO DEVALUATION OR NOT, YOU STILL HAVE TO REPAY YOUR DEBTS (OR KEEP POSTPONING, DIGGING A BIGGER AND BIGGER HOLE) AND WHILST YOU REPAY, YOUR LIFESTYLE MUST BE CRIMPED AND DEPRESSED. China’s yuan is not the cause and cure for the world’s problems: Because China’s cheap yuan is not the cause of the world’s economic and financial crisis, revaluation is never the cure and those who clamour are deluded, barking up the wrong tree. What are the causes of the world’s economic crisis? It is the reckless bankers, Wall Street’s in particular (eg Goldman Sachs) who have fashioned mad derivatives they said have permanently cancelled out risks, have efficiently distributed risks that have spawned the financial excesses of colossal proportions. The wealth of the world has been inexorably transferred from the masses to the few (rich individuals and multinationals like Apple, Exxon) so that now there is an unstable imbalance between too few who own too much wealth and too many whose wealth and savings in banks have been recklessly squandered by bankers and who have foolishly undertaken too much debt (credit card and mortgages). Because everyone puts their money in banks, the money has been recycled, lent to be collected to be re-deposited to be lent again in many cycles so that a single million can spawn many millions of debt so that the economy boomed whilst the party was going on but with time as the leverage becomes too great it must collapse in a mountain of debt. Speculators have cornered the commodity, currency and share markets, driving prices up that it harms the economy. Eg oil and gold prices have been driven up to levels that affects the economy by speculators whose presence push up prices. In their pursuit of maximal profits many Western companies have shifted to China to produce cheaply to export to America and this means more Americans will be jobless because the jobs have been transferred overseas. Not satisfied, rich Americans through lobbying, have made tax cuts that means less revenue for governments, they evade tax by various means so the society becomes increasingly impoverished dependent on borrowings to survive. THUS CAPITALISM IS A DEAD END LIMITED LIFESPAN SYSTEM OPEN TO ABUSE AND A TIME HAS COME WHEN TOO MUCH MONEY HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED BY HOOK AND CROOK FROM THE HANDS OF THE MANY TO THE FEW, THE BANKING SYSTEM WHERE EVERYONE PUTS HIS MONEY HAS MEANT MANY MULTIPLES OF DEBT ARE CREATED FOR THE EXISTING WEALTH, THE BANKERS HAVE MADE A MESS OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM, SPECULATORS ARE ALLOWED TO CREATE HAVOC WITH COMMODITY AND EVEN CURRENCY MARKETS AND GREEDY WESTERN COMPANIES HAVE ABANDONED THEIR CUSTOMER BASE BY MANUFACTURING OVERSEAS TO SELL EXPENSIVELY DEPRIVING THE CONSUMING COUNTRIES OF EMPLOYMENT. An illusion of wealth built on debt: The conspicuous display of wealth you see everywhere in the world is apparent than real, it is built on debt, the people have not paid for it yet but are in the process of repaying and is likely to be ambushed whilst repaying. Building those houses, airports and roads are quite cheap but repaying them is expensive even exorbitant so that the buyers will end up being unable to pay because the profit margins are exorbitant. THE GULLIBLE ARE IMPRESSED BY THE MATERIAL PROGRESS AND SIGNS OF WEALTH THEY SEE AROUND BUT THE DISCERNING SEE A NOOSE OF CRIPPLING DEBT THAT WILL ULTIMATELY KILL EVERYONE. WHAT YOU SEE AROUND IS NOT MASSIVE WEALTH BUT MASSIVE DEBT AND THIS CANNOT GO ON FOREVER. The Star - turning 40 in style It is possible to turn 40 but it is impossible to turn 40 in style except in the delusion of the fool or to boast or brag that will end in his insanity. Even if it is possible to turn 40 in style, style is not about substance but show, about impressing others and so it is meaningless to turn 40 in style except in your delusion it is meaningful that will also end in insanity. TURNING 40 IN STYLE IS NEVER SAID IN TRUTH BUT IN FALSITY TO MAKE MUCH OR BOAST AND THAT WILL END IN INSANITY WHOEVER YOU ARE AND IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT IS A SENSELESS STATEMENT THEN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ. Highest happiness does not depend on anything or anyone: The Buddha said that what others call happiness that the noble ones have found is suffering and so there is actually no happiness to be found externally dependent on the acquisition or enjoyment of objects, sensations or persons. Happiness obtained through sensate enjoyment (eg tasty food, perfumes, touch, ‘beautiful’ sight or sounds), through acquisitions of objects (wives, children, money, assets), dependency on others (friends, girl or boy, child) is actually suffering and it is the delusion and perversion of the foolish smitten and tormented person that these are pleasures when they are always suffering because they are enjoyed with stirred force or dependent on the reception of force (gentle force gives pleasure). Instead when a person is wisely secluded, TRULY freed of all external and internal entanglements (eg thoughts, fantasies, restlessness) then the mental state of his mind is automatically happy without any qualifications or conditions. The Buddha said ‘good is cessation’ and so the more you stop the happier you become. Your happiness does not depend on anything, you do not need heaven or anything to be happy, whatever the highest and purest happiness is to be found within you when it is shorn of all defilements and desires and shines luminous like the sun. Thus the person who has TRULY stopped stretching all his syllables, stopped changing speed and loudness will enjoy a measure of true happiness denied those who stretch their syllables, change speed or loudness no matter how holy or virtuous they think they are. The person who has TRULY fully conscious stopped all thinking enjoys a higher happiness than the person who cannot stop thinking or who has stopped stretching his syllables. The person who has TRULY stopped stirring his mental force to like or dislike whatever is happening enjoys a higher happiness than the person who cannot stop liking or disliking, who can stop thinking, who can stop stretching his syllables. The person who has TRULY stopped feeling pain and pleasure enjoys a higher happiness than the person who cannot stop feeling pain or pleasure. ANYONE WHO REFUSES TO SEEK HAPPINESS WITHIN HIM BUT SEEKS HAPPINESS EXTERNALLY IN OTHERS (PRETTY GIRL, PRETTY CAR), IN SENSORY EXPERIENCES (GREAT HOLIDAY VENUES), OBJECTS (MONEY, ROLEX WATCH, BEAUTIFUL HOUSE) IS A BIG FOOL WHO THINKS HE SEEKS HAPPINESS BUT HE SEEKS TORMENT AND HEARTBREAK. THIS I KNOW THROUGH PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, THERE IS NO GREATER SELF ASSURED HAPPINESS THAN THE STATE OF THE MIND INDEPENDENT OF ALL OTHERS AND ALL OBJECTS, ROOTED IN THE CESSATION FIRST OF STYLE THEN THINKING THEN LIKING AND DISLIKING AND FINALLY THE CESSATION OF ALL FEELINGS OF PAIN AND PLEASURE. IF YOU THINK YOU NEED A CERTAIN PERSON OR OBJECT OR PLACE TO BE HAPPY THEN YOU ARE DELUDED, HEADED FOR SUFFERING. What or who do you need to stop style, thinking, liking and disliking? Whatever the material possessions and sensate enjoyment of someone who possesses style (stretches syllables, changes speed and loudness) his happiness is far below the happiness of one who has shed his style because he is no longer a robot, is not beset by maddening insoluble stress, restlessness and inability to concentrate. Do you need any object or person to stop stretching your syllables? Whatever the wealth, fame, status, happiness of someone who cannot stop thinking, the happiness of one who can stop thinking is incomparably higher. Do you need anything or anyone to stop thinking? Whatever the pleasures and happiness of one who likes and dislikes, the happiness of one whose mental force is not stirred to like or dislike is higher. Do you need anything or anyone to stop stirring your mental force to like or dislike? RPK: Not cheating just bending the rules: It is a reflection of his advanced false perception and people’s lack of true understanding that they think such a nonsensical statement is valid. If rules are bent it is cheating, if you use enough force to will to see something as true, soon you begin to perceive it is true that bending the rules is not cheating. IF YOU GO BY THE RULES, APPLY THE RULES YOU ARE NOT CHEATING. IF YOU BEND THE RULES THEN THAT IS CHEATING EXCEPT IN YOUR FALSE PERCEPTION YOU DO NOT REALIZE WILL END IN INSANITY FOR YOU. AND YOU HAVE KARMA TO BE EXPERIENCED AS SUFFERING FOR TRYING TO CONVERT OTHERS TO YOUR PERVERTED PERCEPTION. Um, ah, er, as I was saying What is the meaning of such expressed awkwardness or uncertainty? If a person truly understood a situation he is going to speak about, he cannot be guilty of such hesitancy or uncertainty or mulling about what he is going to say. It is only because a person hasn’t understood a situation and yet he is desirous and eager to speak and what he speaks is rehashed, he cannot make up his mind which of many alternatives to select that he is wracked by such hesitancy. ONLY A PERSON WHO IS EAGER TO SPEAK BEFORE HE HAS TRULY UNDERSTOOD THE SITUATION, WHOSE SPEECH IS REHASHED FROM OPTIONS RECORDED CAN OPEN HIS MOUTH TO SPEAK AND THEN BE BESET BY HESITANCY. A PERSON WHO SPEAKS HAVING TRULY UNDERSTOOD THE SITUATION AND KNOWING WHAT HE WANTS TO SPEAK THAT IS NOT REHASHED CANNOT SPEAK THUS. HE MAY HAVE LOST TRACK OF WHAT HE WANTED TO SAY BECAUSE HE IS EASILY DISTRACTABLE AND HAS LOST TRACK OF THE PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING. Tax hike on hold: Is it possible the telcos decided to raise charges without informing the government? If the authorities were aware, why did it acquiesce only to intervene now to block the move to raise service tax? It may be that the public furore caused the government to change its mind or it may be an elaborate exercise to show the government has the interest of the citizens at heart and so you should be grateful. Rules cannot be bent, only not applied: Rules can never be bent or broken because they are not physical objects, rulers can be bent or broken but never rules that are either applied or selectively not applied in which case it is cheating or being unfair. TO BE FAIR, RULES MUST BE APPLIED TO EVERYONE AND IF THEY ARE SELECTIVELY APPLIED TO SOME AND NOT APPLIED TO OTHERS BECAUSE OF VESTED INTERESTS THEN IT IS SIMPLY A CASE OF UNFAIRNESS OR CHEATING. TO SPEAK OF RULES BEING BENT IS TO SPEAK FALSELY, A FORM OF EUPHEMISM TO SANITIZE EVIL, RULES CAN BE WAIVED OR NOT APPLIED, THEY CANNOT BE BENT. RULES ARE FORMULATED AND ENFORCED TO GOVERN PEOPLE WHO ARE ROBOTS, THOSE WHO ARE NOT ROBOTS, WHO TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS TRUE AND FALSE, GOOD AND BAD DO NOT NEED RULES TO CONFORM TO OR OBEY. 46 million Americans living in poverty: The number of Americans living in poverty rose to 46.2 million last year - nearly one in six people - according to the US Census Bureau's annual report. Capitalism is a cruel game with increasing number of people falling on the wayside rather than win-win for everyone. IT IS A LIE THAT CAPITALISM IS THE BEST WAY OF RUNNING AN ECONOMY. WITH THE PROGRESS OF TIME, MORE AND MORE WEALTH GETS SEQUESTERED IN THE HANDS OF A FEW RICH INDIVIDUALS AND BIG COMPANIES (MICROSOFT HAS CASH RESERVES OF 55 BILLION, APPLE 80 BILLION) WHILST THE MAJORITY GETS EMACIATED, POORER AND POORER UNTIL A CRITICAL IMBALANCE IS REACHED WHERE THE MASSES ARE TOO POOR TO SPEND TO KEEP THE ECONOMY HEALTHY WHILST THE (FILTHILY) RICH CANNOT SPEND ENOUGH EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO KEEP THE ECONOMY HUMMING. IT IS NOT AN IRONY THAT EVEN IN AMERICA THE BASTION OF CAPITALISM AND WEALTH, SO MANY LIVE IN POVERTY BUT IT IS THE INEVITABLE FULLY UNDERSTANDABLE RESULT OF EVIL CAPITALISM. AS A SONG GOES, THE THING THAT MAKES YOU RICH MAKES ME POOR. There are no ironies: There are no ironies in life and anyone who speaks of ironies is speaking falsely, does not truly understand. Everything that happens has cause and what has cause is fully understandable and what is understandable is never ironical or contradictory except in the false, force based emotional understanding of the person. Thus it is never an irony that so many and increasing numbers of people are living in poverty in the land of the plenty or affluent but it is precisely to be expected from the nature of the system of everyone grabbing as much as he can that wealth increasingly is sequestered in the hands of the few and multinationals and the masses who are actually prostitutes working for the few rich pimps, become increasingly poor. ANYONE WHO SPEAKS OF IRONIES IS SPEAKING FALSELY, BETRAYS HIS LACK OF TRUE UNDERSTANDING, EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS CAN BE UNDERSTOOD AND WHAT CAN BE UNDERSTOOD IS NEVER IRONICAL EXCEPT IN YOUR ABIDING DELUSION. What is an irony? An irony is a stirring of a person’s mental force to be disturbed or uneasy at the perception of an apparent (never true) contradiction. A contradiction results when one set of ‘facts’ disagree or contradict with another set of ‘facts’. If two sets of facts disagree, either both are wrong or one is wrong and the other right, never both right so whence the contradiction? BECAUSE IN ANY SITUATION ONLY ONE STIPULATION CAN OCCUR AND IF IT OCCURS, ANY STIPULATION TO THE CONTRARY OR THAT IS DIFFERENT IS WRONG, WHERE CAN THERE BE CONTRADICTION EXCEPT IN THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOOL OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY BELIEFS AS FACTS OR TRUTH. CONSEQUENT OF THE FOOLISH ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRADICTORY VERSIONS OF WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, THE FOOL’S EMOTION IS STIRRED TO BE DISTURBED OR UNEASY AND HE EXPERIENCES IRONY. 'Did she really think that?': Jackie O's grandchildren 'absolutely horrified' by her antiquated views on women “Horrified” is their understanding of Jackie Onassis’ views, if it is not their overriding understanding, why is it mentioned exclusively? To be horrified means to have your mental force stirred to be disgusted or angry or upset which are all fancy terms for ‘dislike’. Because dislike is merely a blind meaningless harmful repulsive stirring of a person’s mental force, their prime understanding of Jackie’s views on women are a repulsive stirring of force, their understanding is a stirring of blind meaningless force. Here is proof people do not have true or reasoned based understanding but their understanding is to stir blind meaningless force that is the wrong understanding that can one day endanger and even kill the fool.

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